Example sentences of "be go [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 coach and if it comes out like Helen and Pete like that and they 're , they 're gone and the others have n't , no wonder it 's been up on your wall
2 This is for senior management groups to test if they know where they are going and the processes they use as well as the factors against which success can be judged .
3 That 's what John said last night , we er , all they , all went to bingo five of us went and it boomeranged well if you 're going I 'll come , if I 'm going you 're going I 'm going and the next thing poor old John had to go out and work look after about eleven kids
4 Now according to Hahnemann being better is n't a sign to stop the medicine , his argument is that the symptoms may be gone but the patient has not yet demonstrated that the predisposition has been removed .
5 If they had been , then his own parents and the rest of his kind would now be gone and the territory might be free .
6 ‘ There was something subduing in the influence of that silent and solemn and awful presence ( the Jungfrau ) … one had the sense of being under the brooding contemplation of spirit , not an inert mass of rocks and ice — a spirit which had looked down , through the slow drift of ages , upon a million vanished races of men , and judged them ; and would judge a million more — and still be there , watching , unchanged and unchangeable after all life should be gone and the earth had become a vacant desolation . ’
7 Because the officers are gone and the Boatswain drunk .
8 ‘ When we heard that the French were going and the British were coming , we were glad , ’ said another .
9 Digital Equipment Corp 's big-name appointment to head its sales and marketing organisation turns out to be Ed Lucente — nicknamed Neutron Eddie at IBM Corp after he was given the job of pushing administrative staff out of their offices and onto the road as sales and support personnel , so that the people were gone but the buildings still standing .
10 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
11 The old wallpapers , nasturtiums in the living room , stripes and posies and true lovers ' knots in the hall , were gone and the walls painted white .
12 The last traces of day were gone and the blackness was total , perfect .
13 Management should develop and communicate to all employees a vision of where the organisation is going and the contribution employees will make to its success , involving employee representatives as appropriate .
14 Where representative structures exist , management communicates with employee representatives a vision of where the organisation is going and the contribution employees ( and their representatives ) will make to its success .
15 When , if a production line is going and the production breaks down but er if we can reduce our time , has anybody worked in a in a , er , a co , an industrial environment on , what sort of cost saving could you
16 Sorry , my mind 's going or the drink 's getting to me , one of the two . ’
17 I 'm on the P D C and it 's it 's going and the phones six baskets about twenty baskets to be checked minutes
18 And the bear 's behind all , all blood coming out and he 's going and the man turns round and he goes .
19 ‘ Well , yes and no , You know the saying : ‘ The fish is gone but the smell remains . ’
20 And Hywel will go without a word , and when he is gone and the house is silent Elizabeth will creep to the telephone and she will pick it up and it will ring in another empty house because Dr Wyn has gone to the Fair .
21 The consensus about the ideals of Irish nationalism is gone and the rhetoric of 1966 is no longer possible .
22 Now he is gone and the work is public property , Sherlock Holmes can legally be seen in this kind of twaddle .
23 He remembereth that we are but dust , the days of man are but grass for he flourishes as a flower of the field , for as soon as the wind goes over it , it is gone and the thereof shall know it no more .
24 The light was going and the sea was calm .
25 The jeep was gone and the dust had settled , surely the driver realised that dust-raising meant instant reaction from the Germans with shelling and heavy mortaring of the area and the inevitable casualties .
26 The headpiece was gone and the bottom of the doorposts had rotted away .
27 The railroad embankment was gone and the men who had cowered behind it and finally , when the water came , clung to the rails , were all gone with it .
28 Then she was gone and the corridor was empty .
29 The next day she was gone and the next night I was back on the ramp .
30 There was a deepening of the shadows and a swirling of something heavy and turgid and foul , and then the creature was gone and the Workshops were once again lit to crimson and the slaves turned back to their tasks .
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