Example sentences of "be do at the " in BNC.

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1 Tite and Donaldson closed the meeting with a half-hearted suggestion that a new competition could be organized among the prize-winners as had been done at the new library at Cambridge .
2 The British Museum 's engraving of Derwentwater published by him in Manchester might have been done at the time of Yates ' map-making after West 's encouragement , but it is very poor .
3 On the basis of this , it is submitted that the question of subsidiarity is essentially a political question for the Council , and if the Council decided to act at the Community level it would not be possible to challenge what it did simply on the basis that it could better have been done at the level of the Member States ; rather , it would be necessary to show a manifest error , a misuse of power or a clear passing of the limits of discretion , and it is submitted that the occasions when this might be done will be rare .
4 The visitor will see that much work has indeed been done at the south eastern side of Levers Water .
5 The act must have been done at the promisors ’ request : the parties must have understood that the act was to be remunerated either by a payment or the conferment of some other benefit : and payment , or the conferment of a benefit , must have been legally enforceable had it been promised in advance .
6 Since then , the directors have done little other than line their own pockets , award themselves enormous pay increases and indulge in dodgy share options , all of which has been done at the expense of the domestic customer , whose bill has gone up by 40 per cent .
7 ( 8 ) Has any work to the seller 's knowledge been done at the property requiring planning permission or Building Regulations consent ?
8 Commander Adam Dalgliesh is coming to see me as soon as they 've finished with whatever it is they 're doing at the church .
9 Can we not do more even than we 're doing at the moment to restore to the centre of the life of the church the glorious concept of a team of pastoral care and a high command of power strategy in which dominance by ministers will be reduced to the minimum in order that together we may be ready to let the lifeblood of Christ flow through us in such a way that we will be better able to welcome the twenty first century in his name .
10 The things we 're doing at the moment are getting more and more fundamental … .
11 That 's what we 're doing at the moment .
12 that , what we 're doing at the moment , we wo n't want to b put it all in this system
13 And they know what you 're doing at the moment do they whilst you 're not serving them ice-cream .
14 Oh in fact you 're not even you could never have to go back to that same place but depends on where what you 're doing at the time that assignment comes up for reselling .
15 amount of manual gears , now what we 're doing at the mo
16 And what about overtime on Sa I mean at the moment some of them are working during the week and Saturdays and they need that to maintain the sort of service level that we 're doing at the moment .
17 erm and that is the only item on the list which will require us to close something that we 're doing at the moment .
18 Now though Chris , this er is a charity and obviously you 've , you 've got research money from them ; if there was n't a charity like this , would you be able to do the sort of research that you 're doing at the moment ?
19 I am not rejecting the idea of Jesus being my representative — all I am doing at the moment is to point out some difficulties with it when it is considered as the central idea in the atonement theory .
20 What I am doing at the moment — pretending to have given up while backsliding every chance I get — is marginally better than full-time smoking ; the trouble is that it runs every risk of turning into it .
21 What had the good physician been doing at the Tower ?
22 WHY Do we drink coffee ? one answer is to keep us interested in what we are doing at the time — typing , say , or repairing a car .
23 Are doing at the sill .
24 As time goes by , and more machines are added to the scale , you 'll have a month by month reference for PC performance — and as performance levels creep ever higher ( as they are doing at the moment ) we 'll extend the scale , and pick up new reference points .
25 Next you have to decide when to enter the date and time information — do you want to use the spreadsheet like a time clock where you record what you are doing at the time you do it or will you use it to maintain a post-hoc record and enter dates and times in batches .
26 ‘ For what you are doing at the church house , I mean , ’ Owen explained .
27 Er so we are concerned that that money perhaps future time so that we can continue to spend whatever money we are doing at the present time er to our roads .
28 Besides building an 18-hole golf course , and charging trainers to exercise their horses on the track , he is instigating another new concept in this country by constructing American-style barns so that training can be done at the track as it is in the United States .
29 It must be done at the time .
30 It would be done at the Stanford synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ( SSRL ) which is fed by electron beams from one of SLAC 's two storage rings .
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