Example sentences of "be not [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 We are not subject at this juncture , to identify any further exposures , but that , I mean , that 's what we 're saying is n't it ?
2 Despite John Ruskin 's strictures ( ‘ Such works as … the iron roofs and pillars of our railway stations … are not architecture at all ’ ) , it is now generally admitted that not only are they architecture but they are also works of art .
3 Such conclusions are not fact at all .
4 In fact the Carpet Band are n't shit at all and they prompt a series of stage invasions that persist until singer Tom Hingley threatens to leave the stage .
5 But there were still those who suggested that its ‘ clumsy ’ diction and experimental forms were not poetry at all .
6 Only two things wrong First , the examples given were not chemistry at all .
7 You would have to be a professional cobbler-up of sit-coms to give much credence to the available scenarios , but just in case , I suppose they are that : a ) the tests were so incompetently performed that even a baboon 's sample would have produced the same reading as was clocked by the three athletes identically ; b ) the three runners were having a joke at the testers ' expense ; c ) the German trio was deliberately testing the vigilance of the drug monitors at a relatively out-of-the-way venue , for reasons of their own ; d ) that the samples were not urine at all but a draught of refreshing Lucozade , tested in error .
8 There is not doubt at all that smoking can seriously damage your health .
9 There is not doubt at all that smoking can seriously damage your health .
10 In fact , purists claim the big companies use so many the end result is not cider at all .
11 There is the negative peace of a phoney war or a balance of power , which is not peace at all .
12 If so , the point for attention is not alienation at all .
13 There is a persistent rumour that Mr Soros 's real interest in all this is not gold at all , but the bond markets .
14 Only a Russian would find all that surprising , or fail to understand that freedom which is not misused is not freedom at all .
15 To make life difficult , ‘ Japanese ’ or ‘ Japon ’ vellum — beloved of producers of editions de luxe — is not vellum at all , but a smooth , glossy-surfaced.paper with a yellowish tint .
16 For I do not think it possible to study philosophy profitably without entering fairly deeply into the history of the subject , and for this there is not time at school , nor could it be a subject that would interest more than a very few pupils .
17 Although this seems clever when one is told about it , a few minutes-hands-on experience demonstrates that it is not AI at all — it is a parlour trick .
18 " The heart and soul of a resource collection is not material at all : it lies in the structure of thought it exhibits , in the creative association it provokes and in the opportunities it provides for training the young learner in how to learn and think . "
19 According to Paul Rutishauser of transport consultants , Transnet , " it 's not pollution at the point of use but at the point of production that 's the question .
20 John , who will wave goodbye to his treasured motor at Sotheby 's saleroom in Billingshurst , West Sussex , said : ‘ I 'd love to keep it but there is n't room at home .
21 The two men , forced by their fate into this intimacy that was not intimacy at all , sat in silence , the words used up .
22 If I did n't have that advantage , I might easily be extremely suspicious of what was going on and think that much of the sort of thing they 're used to especially at primary school was not maths at all but was playing around with bits of string and round cylinders and erm certainly nothing like I remember doing .
23 Secondly , in the case of transaction at an undervalue , it is presumed that the vendor was not solvent at the time the acquisition agreement was exchanged .
24 Completion must be her watchword now , whatever admissions it entailed ; and was not completion at the very heart of the Coniunctio — the central symbol which had proved the stumbling-stone of her work ?
25 He was not violence at all .
26 But Nazism was not Nazism at all .
27 Perhaps the active material was not RNA at all ?
28 that and it probably was n't oak at all it was probably just
29 I 'd walked into the garden , over tough grass that was n't grass at all but rough , close-growing weed .
30 Except that for her it was n't lust at all .
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