Example sentences of "be you do n't " in BNC.

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1 Tell you what , we are you do n't do bad for tools that we buy off them .
2 Well there are you do n't go near them .
3 You may have to say , Well I 've just been talking to the estate agent about this and er you know on a number occasions he 's sent people along to you er may be you did n't realize that was happening .
4 I mean you do n't wan na be push , push I mean but at the same time you do n't wan na be you do n't definitely wan na be running around like a cuckoo head do you ?
5 But you see the difference being you do n't drive do you ?
6 ‘ That 's so 's you do n't have to go outside if you wants to go to the toilet , ’ he explained .
7 Well it 's you do n't spell it like cupboard you spell it like a cup board .
8 It 's you do n't have to sell a lot if er you 've got a couple of full pages and a couple halves .
9 It 's it 's you do n't forfeit them , it 's safe , but they accumula er they they have a cumulative effect and you pay tax or what
10 It 's you do n't have to be an Einstein to critically evaluate something .
11 Er , it 's it 's you do n't have to be frightened of letting me know this , because , it it stands to reason , that it 's going to happen , okay .
12 Well it 's you do n't like going that district do you ?
13 At Mrs Parvis 's you did n't choose .
14 Anne Liddy agrees there was no real training : ‘ In Tiller 's you did n't learn , you just followed on .
15 Erm so on that one that 's , that 's you did n't use any slang , the belief in the way you asked I think that came out , I was trying to be a prospective client rather than be the trainer cos I could see that Mike was uncomfortable and I was trying to , well okay , how , how would I well I think yeah there was a belief that you had there , I think he was er reasonably attentive , Mike , to your response ?
16 £9,000 is the maximum you can invest in your TESSA , but the great thing is you do n't have to have access to that amount of money all at once because you spread your savings over 5 years .
17 Yes , that 's right , er I mean the thing is you do n't know how much income you 've got to generate really .
18 The trouble with arriving early at a park is you do n't look convincing pretending to take an interest in the roses .
19 ‘ The fact is you do n't sit back and wait for the UFF or IRA to hit their victims — you go after them .
20 ‘ Your problem is you do n't know any old jokes , ’ Dangerfield boomed .
21 The position therefore is you do n't look at residential care , erm , yes , over a period of time we could raise the requirements or the need levels that allow people access to residential care .
22 But the obvious advantage of having an injection , is you do n't have to put the sheep in a bath , but the disadvantage is you 've got the residues which last us slightly longer .
23 And that is you do n't mention the price or anything else until the last possible minute .
24 You can forgive or punish at the same time ca n't you , you can punish somebody and say that is wrong and yet you forgive them , that is you do n't hold it against them but you later on .
25 Right , things we 'd like to see in psychology Is there any I mean any the trouble is you do n't know what 's on the menu so it 's hard to but I mean what sort what sort of things would you like to have seen from pr what you have a ?
26 The trouble is you do n't know where to draw the line . ’
27 I have n't got it right , but a , what I 'm trying to say is you do n't ask a lady her age .
28 For for come back cause your pram is you do n't want to come back by train because you 're afraid of the steps .
29 Well the trouble with making it in a jar is you do n't get much skin do you ?
30 She 's going no I wo n't , you know , not unless you tell me what it i , why it is you do n't wan na do it !
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