Example sentences of "be not [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd like to point out that I am not Dana and I am with you , not Garry , ’ she said , flicking her tongue across dry lips .
2 And that led to a day of fury and counter-claims by the Pakistan team bosses who insisted : ‘ We are not cheats and we intend spending our last rupee proving so . ’
3 But the main features of the system must be comprehensible to those Members of Parliament and councillors who are not specialists and to serious commentators and interested members of the public .
4 Skeleton arguments are not pleadings and , save in exceptional cases … need not answer the skeleton arguments of the other side .
5 At frieze-level there are not triglyphs and metopes but usually a row of small , close-set blocks , dentils , which offer no field for figure-carving .
6 Labels and name-calling are not life and death matters .
7 The instructions and authority they have received from the interim government are not instructions and authority from the Government of the Republic .
8 These are not tranquillizers and are non-habit-forming .
9 Marx 's definition of luxury goods was fairly straightforward ; they were ‘ all goods which are not necessaries and which are not commonly used by the labouring class . ’
10 They signal this for those who are not contemplatives and reflect it for those who are .
11 The new replicators are not DNA and they are not clay crystals .
12 Capitalism depends on both the reality and the illusion of choice , but people are not fools and the global capitalist system offers many genuine choices .
13 It is hoped that golf clubs will allow the holders of identity cards to play for a nominal green fee at off-peak times and that such cards will act as a passport to junior membership , particularly in the cases of youngsters whose parents are not golfers and , therefore , may find it difficult to join a club .
14 I take out my sketch pad , but the results are not food and I consign it to the ancient lavatory and oblivion on the track .
15 Many members of the apparatus are not intellectuals and many intellectuals do not belong to the apparatus of power ( Feher , Heller and Markus 1983 , p. 120 ) .
16 But now of course there 's Crooks and that means , not bottles of aspirins , bad example , but Strepsils the lozenges for example , are now sold in an enormous range of private pharmacies which are not Boots and they are therefore completely outside the term output , it may be a restricted term , it may not be the one we want , but that is what it was meant and that is what the number is generated from .
17 Crossed paths are not junctions and reversal on the path is not allowed .
18 Crossed paths are not junctions and reversal on the path is not allowed .
19 and what they wanted was the easiest ones and they came up with the answer economics Gerald simply , we Ge Gerry and I put our heads together and went bib bib bib bib bib , you know as good parents do and we both presented him with a fait accompli you either take an engineering degree , we do n't care what sort or you go out to work in a bank because economics you will not get a first because you are not reader and t to get a first in economics , which is what you 'll need if you 're gon na make any money out of it
20 We are not employees and — for the most part — we do not rely on our police fees to keep us solvent .
21 We 're not Mutt and Jeff .
22 We 're not children and I 'd say we 're learning the rules pretty quickly .
23 Bernie went up to the singer after the show and said , we thought you were called The Teenage Rebels , yet you 're not teenagers and you 're certainly not rebellious .
24 But , you know when I say it I 'm not Ken and and Eva are the same , they do n't go up there
25 I 'm not Jezebel And I 'm not
26 As the State Department and the White House both set crisis management operations in train , and President Bush urgently conferred with top officials , FMLN statements — that the guests , except for the armed Americans , were not hostages and were free to go as soon as a ceasefire was arranged — were almost ignored .
27 The figures were not priests and worshippers , but actors and chorus in front of an audience .
28 I realised at the beginning of 1992 that we were not core and that we were to be disposed of — we had a very difficult year . ’
29 Kings had ‘ possessions ’ and ‘ subjects , ; the majority of subjects were not citizens and had no automatic rights .
30 What were their motives , if they were not rapine and robbery ?
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