Example sentences of "be not [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Further , can we expect states to agree to accept such a system , particularly with compulsory reference to international courts and mandatory application of their decisions , even if there are not sanctions attached to non-adherence ?
2 Physiological disorders , like cancer in humans and animals ( according to the present state and progress in scientific knowledge and understanding ) , are not diseases caused by other life forms like bacteria , bacilli , fungus or virus ( although cancer opinion is beginning to waver with regard to virus ) .
3 … the profound darkness of every part of the city in which there are not shops illuminated by the owners with gas … there is not a little country town in England which is not incomparably better lighted than any street in Paris which depends for its illumination upon the public regulations of the City .
4 Assets of company are not assets comprised in the settlement
5 I do n't think anyone will dispute that those are not offices suited to us in the nineties .
6 The problems that the Los Angeles police department has right now is that they are not community orientated .
7 Ethnic divisions are not categories used in the national collection and publication of official statistics on education ( though this is to change from 1990–1 ) ; data have to be taken from sample surveys .
8 What quite this comes to is a topic that will be addressed later , but it is safe to say now that they are not terms suited to actors ' autobiographies , nor terms easily accepted by historians .
9 These epistemological primitives are the putative result of pre-processing of the original intensity array at the retinal level — that is , they are not computations performed by the visual cortex ( still less , the cerebral cortex ) .
10 Why are n't streets named after him ?
11 We were not spell bound by David .
12 The domestic skills I had acquired at school and perfected looking after Father when Mother died , were not skills valued by Helmut .
13 Also linked with Wigan were former Northern Ireland star Sammy McIlroy and Tommy Docherty 's son , Mike , although these were not names confirmed by Mr Gage .
14 they 're the baby boom babies who were n't breast fed
15 And finally erm I 'd like to emphasize that the case for relief roads in in and around Harrogate and Knaresborough is not development led .
16 Our system is not register based but claimant based .
17 What is odd about the comparison made in Webb is that the comparison is used as the evidence to show that the unfavourable treatment is not gender related rather than as the basis of a comparison for similar treatment .
18 Expenditure a person incurs by exercising an option in a contract is not expenditure incurred under that contract .
19 Why , oh why , is not internment introduced for all known paramilitaries of all kinds .
20 The existence of surplus labour is not con fined to capitalism .
21 I believe that the Christian faith provides us with a unique perspective on matters of political economy which is not con fined to issues of personal honesty and motivation , but which is also related to the basic institutions and goals of our societies .
22 We should not be having the same speech from the same group on the same issue at any point and also I would hope that where there is agreement between the groups that there is not time spent in
23 Unemployment benefit , on the other hand , is not means tested .
24 For the plaintiffs it is submitted that the action of the employee valuer in exercising his professional skill and judgment in providing a basic valuation for consideration by the assessor is not action taken by the society but a service rendered to the society by a professional man as such , even though he is also an employee .
25 He 's not land based you see all the time I think it 's if you 're land based .
26 And just to remind you what I was saying , if you 've just switched on , what I was just confirming with Colin er earlier , is that erm it 's slightly different in this competition to what we 've been accustomed to in the football league er this and last season , in as far as it 's not goals scored that 's important when you have the same number of points , it is goal difference .
27 The festival is n't music based , say the organisers , with lots of emphasis being placed on family events .
28 I think somebody mentioned mortgage interest tax relief , that is n't means tested as far as I am aware . .
29 It was not track connected .
30 ‘ Th'otchin 'at was n't niver suited wi' nowt .
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