Example sentences of "be be [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 7 members of six families with a history of melanoma in at least 1 first-degree relative have been been followed for 56 person-years .
2 ‘ I have to know what you 're being asked for .
3 They 're being detained for a long time .
4 Just for those of you who have just arrived , we 're actually recording this session as part of a a large spoken database which is gon na be part of a national archive and so you 're being recorded for posterity .
5 ‘ Clearly the authorities know the rape camps are there and what they 're being used for .
6 One of his greatest knocks was the 143 at Port-of-Spain in 1968 — this after he had reached breaking-point in 1966 , only to come back with century after century in the 1967 Tests — but he still found touring the Caribbean a fairly distasteful affair , as revealed in his letter to his wife : ‘ We 're being taken for the biggest ride … the umpiring , the crowd and Charlie … it is downright cheating …
7 And then they 're being sponsored for Romanian Orphans
8 Exactly , they 're not , they wan they 're being interviewed for television , they ca n't be probably their normal selves , can they .
9 Not a thing as long as you 're being as long as you 're being paid for it , it is actually .
10 Well when you 're being paid for doing a job that 's the price you pay if you want to keep in work .
11 What expression do they have when they 're thinking black thoughts about someone they 're trying to ingratiate themselves with , or when they 're being praised for qualities they 're aware they do n't possess ?
12 Erm there is publication that , these are be asked for be sent a copy to every mem member with it 's er in a way a milestone initiative in in the middle of work .
13 Sheriff Carl Peed of Virginia in America , said the un-named officer was the first woman to be been sacked for sexual harassment .
14 A second is ‘ to be be paid for work or service ’ .
15 ‘ I need a solicitor — well Legal Aid — I mean I 'm being done for — you know — interfering with my daughter — incest they call it do n't they ? ’
16 I have done wrong and I 'm being punished for it , and nobody can help me . ’
17 I 'm being charged for two meters .
18 No reparation seems to be being made for killing off the father .
19 And , while nothing has been officially announced , change is understood to be being considered for Aldershot 's ‘ collocated ’ catering training schools .
20 Meanwhile the high-end 620 chip , for moderately to massively parallel servers , is said to be being set for 64 bits with a special environment mode bit that can switch between 32- and 64-bit operation .
21 Guardian 1 February 2 = European alert Nuclear power stations across Western Europe are being checked for radioactive leaks following the discovery of a design fault in the giant domes of pressurized water reactors ( PWRs ) , the most common type of design .
22 The new equipment has also enabled them to recover biological samples , including a crab holding eggs tucked under its tail and sponges that are being tested for medically active chemicals .
23 Also , young children 's answers to examination questions may be off the mark , not because they do not know what they are being tested for , but because they misinterpret the examiner 's intention .
24 The things they are being tested for are all those we 've been training for up until this time .
25 Three-dimensional figures , inspired by Donald McGill 's saucy postcards , are being tested for an environmental art scheme .
26 ‘ We think they are being shot for meat when they land in Afghanistan , ’ she said .
27 For example , if you permit the meeting to start late , because not everyone has arrived , then those who come on time are being punished for their good behaviour !
28 It seems to be the families that are being punished for what has happened .
29 It can cause problems if patients ' case records are held at the place from which they went on leave of absence , but they are being seen for review elsewhere or are attending some other facility such as an out-patient clinic or a day hospital .
30 If they do take the hint and hang off the lid , take care that they are not knocked off when the nettles are being replenished for caterpillars that are still feeding .
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