Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A reporter explained , ‘ NHS staff throughout the south of the city have been recalled to deal with the emergency . ’
2 ‘ I think it is important that judges should retire earlier than they do , ’ said Mr Hewitt , of Etherley , near Bishop Auckland , who retired in his 73rd year but who has regularly been recalled to sit in judgement during the past two years .
3 In a three-variable table with one response variable and two explanatory variables , the proportions are calculated to sum to 1 within each of the cells formed by the categories of the explanatory variables .
4 They were much less gentle than the water-buffalo , which spend most of their lives doing nothing , wallowing up to their ears in mudpools , while pampered and scrubbed by the little boys who are assigned to look after them from birth .
5 Since inversion of the writing hand has been hypothesised to correlate with reduced lateralisation of brain functions it would be expected that there is a relation between inversion and familial sinistrality which also appears to relate , albeit inconsistently , to reduced perceptual asymmetries .
6 It is n't as pretty as we are given to understand in fairy tales . ’
7 Black minorities have frequently been casualties of rules and procedures which may not have been intended to discriminate against them but which , in effect , do so and there is considerable resistance when the hitherto taken-for-granted procedures are brought into question .
8 The contention being that , as regards companies , the statute can not have been intended to apply to them if they are non-resident , one asks immediately — why not ?
9 Each item of such a carefully considered scheme will have been intended to stand in a specific position in Kent 's rooms .
10 The student grant has always been intended to provide for accommodation and therefore to some extent reflects variations in costs .
11 Mont St Michel is known to have been disputed between Brittany and Normandy at about this date , and Robert 's fleet may from the first have been intended to operate against it and the Bretons .
12 In goodwill tours of the Six Counties he has been heard to ask for alcohol-free lager and other exotic drinks .
13 Many tales have been recorded of descendants of Irish families who have died far across the seas , just as a banshee has been heard to wail outside their birthplace in Ireland .
14 ‘ I would mine uncle would let me have my life , though he takes my crown , ’ he had been heard to say on one occasion .
15 Some reports also hinted that the Libyan connection had been leaked to coincide with efforts to tie Iran and Syria into the emerging US-led anti-Iraq alliance in the Gulf crisis .
16 The misuse of inside information has not been limited to misuse within financial conglomerates , but has been the centre of debate long before Big Bang .
17 Halley and his successors at the Royal Greenwich Observatory would surely have been fascinated to learn of the unexpected uses to which astronomers of the late 20th century would put their solar observations .
18 The fact that precious metals have so often been minted to serve as coins may serve to emphasize that precious substances are by no means confined to the summits of ecclesiastical or temporal power , even if their most prestigious manifestations were formerly concentrated on these .
19 The fact , however , that they have designed a language to fulfil these functions does not necessarily mean that these functions could not be fulfilled in other ways , nor that their language is intrinsically connected with them , nor that the language has necessarily been proven to succeed in achieving these ideals .
20 In order to ensure compatibility with qualifications obtained by more traditional means , centres may only offer , through APL the same qualifications that they are validated to offer by other means .
21 In other words , money wages , interest rates and-tax payments have all been adjusted to allow for the 10 per cent rise in the average level of prices .
22 Indeed , often when it is adopted the final accounts are adjusted to appear as accruals accounts .
23 Such an individual could choose to ignore conventional time-cues and so cocoon himself in an artificial world in which meals and artificial lighting are adjusted to accord with the dictates of his body clock — like the subject in a cave ( in chapter 2 ) and the opposite of what happens normally , when our life-style adjusts our body clock .
24 I wrote to the Earl personally and told him that Brownie Guides are taught to leave behind nothing but their thanks , but received a reply saying that my letter had been passed on to the agent , Mr. Bishop , who handled all such matters .
25 ‘ He 's had trouble with campers , who 've broken down his fences and left fires that have caused a lot of damage — not Guides or Scouts , of course , who you know are taught to leave behind nothing but their thanks but he puts all campers together and calls them all nuisances . ’
26 Exercise that can help to maintain the elasticity of the vagina are also used to control urinary incontinence and avoid a prolapse — they are the pelvic floor exercises that women are taught to do after childbirth : sit on the lavatory with the thighs parallel to the ground and feet flat on the floor ( or on a book , if necessary ) ; start to pass water , then use the muscles to stop the flow ; release and finish the flow .
27 She toured the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf centre at Lewknor near Oxford where dogs are taught to act as ears for deaf people .
28 In a country where most of us are taught to paddle on flat water , should we insist on putting novices into white water boats which are specifically designed to veer off course and then spend millions of man hours teaching them to go straight or should we put novices into boats designed to go in straight lines ?
29 The sisters are taught to think of those impulses that impede the spirit as sins with the strength of predatory beasts ravening in the wilderness of the interior landscape of the fallen world .
30 Early achievement spurs the client on ; they are taught to focus on their success , and to cope with any difficulties rationally by altering the programme slightly until success is achieved .
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