Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been stopped loads of times and had my bag searched
2 Whenever the result of the development of node k is that two new branches are grown , the up- and down-nodes are assigned values of and ( where x r is the branching variable ) respectively .
3 Most defendants in capital cases are black and they can not afford legal representation , so they are assigned counsel by the state .
4 For a differential drill they are placed side by side and drilled across to highlight the difference between them .
5 Because of the way that the two animals stand in relation to one another while grooming is going on , it is these vertical lines that are placed slap in front of their ‘ nearside ’ eyes .
6 At regular intervals on the circle are placed pictures of uniform size , either related to a central theme or without any specific relationship .
7 Underwater there are hidden dangers for river-life .
8 What is more , there are hidden dangers in following the " in rough then neat " approach .
9 We must search even where we least expect to find riches ; just as there are hidden joys in one 's own pain and suffering , there are subtle delights in the compassion and pity aroused by other men 's Gethsemanes — their gardens of sorrows .
10 When babies are given bottles in the neo natal period , their mothers ' breast milk is not stimulated and breastfeeding falls .
11 The Earth 's own magnetic field has a pulse frequency of 10 Hz ( 10 pulses/second ) and it has been found that if patients are placed in magnetic fields of around 10 Hz , or are given electro-acupuncture at 10 Hz , healing can be speeded up .
12 Correll thinks herbicides , more potent than they are given credit for , may be to blame .
13 But they , and the set-piece speeches to the party faithful , have also done more for Tory morale than they are given credit for .
14 Whilst these may be significantly cheaper in terms of cost and so written off as mere toys they are often far more capable of producing simple documents than they are given credit for .
15 He thinks people 's musical perceptions are wider than they are given credit for .
16 The corporations are imposed by central government and are given powers of land and development that have been seen as ‘ staggering ’ ( Cullingworth , 1985 , p. 282 ) .
17 Once they pass they are given accreditation for the products they are allowed to sell , and that accreditation is available for the customer to see . ’
18 Support for this interpretation has been sought in the effects of a procedure in which subjects are given pre-exposure to a variety of flavours .
19 Allopathy means ‘ different from the suffering ’ ; the drugs that are given work against the disease and its symptoms .
20 If , however , these unfortunate patients are given transfusions of white cells from several incompatible donors during pregnancy , they carry normal babies to term Why ?
21 Both also point out that " different " does not mean " less effective " when comparing the ways in which meaning intentions are given expression through grammatical forms , vocabulary and pronunciation .
22 These arguments are given credibility by Pareto 's ambiguous reaction to the rise of Italian fascism , and by Michels ' conversion from a socialist syndicalist espousing the use of a general strike before the First World War to an enthusiastic apologist for fascism in the 1920s ( Beetham , 1977 ) .
23 Problematic employees are given letters of counselling which are filed in an unfavourable information folder .
24 Until mid-December , Barbier-Beltz continues to show work by Patrick Dubrac — constructions whose heterogeneous elements are given unity by a lick of white paint — and by Jean-Loup Trassard , whose photographs record the immutable aspects of nature .
25 The logic of early education is that if mentally handicapped children are given stimulation in their formative years , almost from the moment of birth , difficult behavioural problems can be avoided , and considerable academic advancements can be made .
26 For each of us ( it is said ) our lives are given sense by certain projects , whether it be that of being a certain sort of person , or of achieving something in such fields as the political , or cultural , or in our personal relations .
27 The first of these is the bit-pattern index , in which all the alternative descriptors for each record are given values of 1 if the attribute is present and 0 if it is not .
28 Simple photographs , perceived to have little artistic quality are afforded copyright protection for only twenty-five years after death whereas editorial photographs and ‘ artistic ’ photographs are given periods of protection of fifty years and seventy years after death , respectively .
29 This is to say that linguistic ( as well as social ) activities become significant because they are given significance by all participants — not only the " speaker " .
30 Some of them are given diplomas for doing this , so they can then prove how expert they are in disability matters .
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