Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 The pages of magazines have been filled this year with the usual crop of controversies .
2 Trade figures with the EC are delayed this year because of the removal of customs controls thanks to the single market .
3 British space officials do not expect any major difficulties in finding the money for INTEGRAL , because ESA science programmes are paid out of the subscriptions of member states which are calculated several years in advance .
4 Then the firm are given one year to make the grade .
5 The transistor transformed the portable radio , cul-minating in the spectacle — bizarre if it had been witnessed 20 years earlier — of people going around with earphones and Walkmans .
6 In place of these grand documents are ‘ rolling programmes ’ that are revised each year , and the even more prosaic procedures of periodic adjustments in response to perceived needs and anomalies when resources become available — the classic ‘ incremental ’ approach of local government .
7 A 24 year old woman had been diagnosed five years previously and had persistent abdominal pain , diarrhoea , and ill health despite repeated courses of steroids .
8 Basically , this means that your sums insured are adjusted each year in line with the rise in the cost of rebuilding and repairs , or of replacing your possessions .
9 We are not alone in having the grant cut , some of the governing bodies have only been given one year 's notice or nothing at all .
10 His action was popularly resented as a poor show of gratitude for the benefit he had been given two years before .
11 You have been given two years not only to investigate historical thinking and knowledge but also to practise the dynamic process of essay writing .
12 And the new operators , who 're all local businessmen , have been given 5 years on a new lease to make it a success .
13 Another , a regular visitor to the Undercroft , presented a model of the King of Siam 's Royal barge , which she had been given 40 years ago , after service in our Bangkok Embassy .
14 She has also been painted this year by Howard Morgan , for Unilever .
15 About six day schools are arranged each year by the Department of Theology .
16 Over the mince pies and wine we learned that the Bala band had been formed many years before and had faithful musicians and followers .
17 A further gift of £1000 has been received this year for this purpose .
18 Arrese got together a study-group of hard-line Falangists , whose mission was to draft four documents : a new version of the Party Statutes , which had last been revised seventeen years earlier , in August 1939 ; a law of the Fundamental Principles of the State , which was to encapsulate the basic tenets of Francoism ; a law of the Movement , which was to give legal form to the distinction between " the Party " , FET y de las JONS , as a clearly delimited group of political activists , and " the Movement " , which encompassed all those who actively or passively subscribed to the values which inspired Francoism ; and an Organizational Law of the Government , which was to lay down ground-rules for the legislative and executive powers of the government .
19 Of 720,000 sq ftof office space that has been completed this year , 350,000 sq ft has been let .
20 In addition to the evening sessions there will be four ‘ away-days ’ on Saturdays ( from 10.00 am to 4.30 am ) , which give the opportunity for some extended skill-training and group-work ( an additional ‘ away-day ’ has been included this year ) .
21 Various inter-school knockout tournaments are organised each year under the auspices of ESCA , including the Lord 's Taverners Cricketer Colts Trophy .
22 Conferences and seminars for researchers and practitioners are organised each year .
23 Mr Portillo denied evading the question and said the Chancellor had said that the Social Security Secretary , Peter Lilley , would take the rise in VAT on fuel into account when income-related benefits are uprated next year .
24 Forty thousand are expected next year .
25 The company estimates 27,000 RS/6000s and 14,000 Sparcservers have been installed this year , saying the total installed base for each is now around 37,000 and 28,000 respectively .
26 It might have been brewed this year , but I doubted it .
27 To date this operation seems to be free of cancer risk although one case of cancer has been reported seven years after operation .
28 French forestry officials argue that only 100,000 cubic metres of timber are felled each year , but agree that roads opened up by loggers should be closed to the public .
29 He has been pursued all year by race fan Newman and his Chicago business partner Carl Haas .
30 Those S 2 students who survive into second year ( i.e. S' 2 ) are interviewed one year later at T 2 .
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