Example sentences of "be [vb pp] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most youths and even small boys wore a strip of hide around their wrists or ankles : this had been given them with appropriate blessing to bring them success when they became warriors .
2 Cowboys may wear them out of necessity and convicts in the USA may have been given them as part of their uniform , but one thing 's for sure , whatever the reason , most people simply would n't live without them .
3 The desired religion therefore , must be acceptable , on the one hand to those who follow it because their belief is founded on logic-induced conviction , and on the other hand to those who come to believe , because tentative faith has been given them by others and who have reached conviction through experience .
4 It would be bad psychology to tell Lou that she had been shown them by the police .
5 Most of us have seen formal syntax diagrams and Backus-Naur Form ( BNF ) definitions for languages , and many of us have been found them to be somewhat confusing .
6 After reports in the Washington Post that the ICRC and UN field workers had hired several thousand local " mercenaries " to protect food distribution operations , the ICRC on May 8 issued a statement to the effect that " local relief committees " organized by the clans and sub-clans were acting as a " police force " ; a small amount of the food aid was to be given them as " food for work " .
7 A COMPANY is threatening to axe half its workforce unless it is paid more than £20,000 claimed to be owed them by Liverpool City Council .
8 If people want to better themselves , they are entitled to enjoy this sort of instruction : it should not be denied them in a civilised society .
9 How- ever , the first instalment of the kingdom would soon be sent them by the ascended King himself .
10 Most of the students investigated in this study were non-traditional in that they either possessed qualifications which met the general entrance requirements of the institution but had been gained them in non-traditional ways ( i.e. by other than full time attendance at secondary school ) , or they did not meet the requirement but had other qualifications or evidence of attainment acceptable to the institution in question .
11 They complained so much that not enough time had been allowed them for their discussions that we had them back a second week .
12 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds .
13 Their hatred of exploitation and their knowledge of western capitalism and the socialist movement it had brought into being led them to utopian socialist illusions .
14 For example Alec Hume 's memoirs were described them as this little book about fishing , a beautiful evocation of a countryman in Downing Street who would always rather have been with his fly on the river Tweed on the Scottish Borders .
15 When will the Department publish the review of the social fund , which we have long awaited , and when will he restore the right of the poorest in our society to a grant for essential items such as clothing , furniture and cookers , which have been denied them under the current system ?
16 However , some on-the-job training , in skills such as cash handling or food preparation , is usually given to seasonal workers and this allows them to be moved into tasks which would have been denied them at the start of their employment .
17 That is what the Holy Spirit is given them for .
18 What I did with the dossers is put them in very strange settings .
19 What I did with the dossers is put them in very strange settings .
20 As you can see , so far six hundred organizations have registered with us and what we 've done is put them in a rather , rather flash booklet and the idea is that youngsters , their parents , teachers , youth leaders , scout leaders , anybody , gets hold of one of these booklets and in it , it tells them how to go sailing .
21 The only thing I 'm asking you to do is put them in the diary now .
22 Hundreds of smaller , locally organised anti-war actions have occurred nationwide , but little attention is afforded them by a media cowering under government charges that it contributed to the US defeat in Vietnam .
23 Francis Carco , who was a friend who had bought Modigliani 's work before the crowd , also bought Modigliani 's paintings , but he was given them for what he himself described as a ridiculously cheap price .
24 Chrissie admits that these came from the store restaurant 's stocks , but claims that she was given them by Fred , the chef , in return for her helping out over her lunch break in the kitchen , which was short handed .
25 Chrissie admitted that these came from the store restaurant 's stocks , but claimed that she was given them by Fred — , the chef , in return for her helping out over her lunch break in the kitchen , which was short-handed .
26 And when they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child .
27 I suppose what I did there was put them on the spot so how could I word that so that it does n't put people on the defensive so much ?
28 And the final tribute was paid them by the Ferrarese organist Luzzasco Luzzaschi ( 1545 ? -1607 ) , a pupil of Rore , in his Madrigali … per cantare et sonare a uno , e doi , e tre soprani ( Rome , 1601 ) in which the lower parts of the madrigal were played on a harpsichord .
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