Example sentences of "be [adv] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rose ( 1868 ) , do not obviously suggest serious historical study , but are rather part of a long series of more popular works on Mary , in which Jean Plaidy and Madeleine Bingham are among the most recent exponents ; and there is a certain charm about the publication , in 1793 , of a work by one J. F. Gaum , Marie Stuart und Marie Antoinette in der Underwelt .
2 Yeah , and I say , you know I mean obviously it 's too big but I mean not from from the point of view that the buildings are right outside of them ai n't they ?
3 For example , despite her attachment to an extra-textual and pre-linguistic domain of mental activity , Nathalie Sarraute 's work , according to Heath , should not be limited by interpretative strategies which are fundamentally referentialist in orientation .
4 In other words , we need to recognize that many apparently independent units of production are , without being legally owned subsidiaries , so dominated through subcontracting and purchasing arrangements , that they are effectively part of a single unit of capitalist production .
5 ‘ That should change , but it is only what the Japanese have been successfully doing for years . ’
6 So far , so good , but finding a set of correlations of this sort still says nothing about whether they are necessarily part of the memory formation process unless I can find a way of showing that they are not simply the aftermath of the unpleasant experience of tasting the bitter bead ; that is , I must meet my own third , reductionist criterion .
7 Certainly , prices of fuel doubled in the later sixteenth century although this may have been only part of the general inflation .
8 Freidzon also attributes impressive functions of analysis and arbitration to the personal chancellories of Politburo members , which are thought to comprise individuals who are highly expert in their particular fields .
9 So do bear those things in mind , because part of today and yesterday has been saying to you , how you can present yourselves to radio and T V in such a way that you 're not only experts in your specific subjects , but you are sufficiently expert in the techniques that go to make up good radio , that people will say , ‘ Let's have so-and-so back again .
10 The Crimea had been administratively part of Ukraine since 1954 , before which it had belonged to Russia .
11 You men are so conformist in love , so provincial in imagination ; that is why we have to flatter you , to prop you up with little lies .
12 I AM sorry things are so bed for you .
13 This procedure will tend to remove features which are only present on individual images , while retaining those features which are common to all images .
14 ( b ) Reject those words which obscure rather than clarify meaning-words which are only present for purposes of style , linguistic sense , grammar , or form .
15 The services provided by the music business adviser are only part of the union 's total commitment to servicing the needs of today 's musicians .
16 Although these games are only part of the phoney war the results are still important to a country 's prestige and confidence and Brazil would love to add England to their victims when they visit Wembley at the end of March .
17 Contractions and changes in contact are only part of the programme and an essential component is the specification of where and when they occur — the process of pattern formation .
18 Most of them do all they can for the elderly with their limited resources , but if your parent is badly in need of a telephone and there is no way of your managing to install it for her , you should bring every possible pressure to bear to produce some speedy action on his or her behalf ; for sudden illness , and the need for medical attention , does not wait for lengthy negotiations and committee work to rumble on indefinitely before it puts in an appearance.With very few exceptions , blaming individual social workers for delay in providing any particular service is usually an unfair and useless exercise , for they are only part of a large organisation and if things go wrong an approach to the local Director of Social Services is the best course of action .
19 Or perhaps it is that if we try to take on the identity and authority of the Weaving Mother the consequences will be severe ; our own personal weavings are only part of a much greater pattern , which we can not control or take credit for .
20 Those conceptions hold that it is not so much the white individuals who are the oppressors , for they are only part of an overall structure which has been designed to exclude blacks from positions of seniority .
21 But such implications are only part of the problem .
22 Yet these explanations are only part of the story .
23 These skills however are only part of the story .
24 The compulsory clauses of the memorandum are only part of it .
25 This applies both for single-record positions and for buckets that are only part of a track in size .
26 Inter-organizational and inter-agency relationships have become increasingly complex ; quangos ( with their organizational and informational resources ) are only part of this complex administrative and political environment — an environment which the operations of quangos themselves influence ( see Moore and Booth , 1987 ) .
27 The family member will say that these things should help , that they are only part of normal family commitment and civilised behaviour and that , if he or she did not do these things , then the primary sufferer might die .
28 Rose goes on to make the point that " parties are only part of the political system and " much of the party 's record in office will be stamped upon it by forces outside its control " .
29 Are only part of her answer .
30 Attendance rates and truancy levels as performance indicators for schools are only part of the story .
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