Example sentences of "be [adj] for years " in BNC.

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1 The old lady had been deaf for years and had what she called a ‘ thing-gummyjig ’ on her telephone receiver which was intended to help her hear her callers more clearly .
2 They 've both been free for years .
3 He had been old for years and grown so fat in the stomach that he puffed when he stooped .
4 Increasingly such flats have come to be part of a system of ‘ less eligibility ’ for those households whose actual behaviour is judged not to conform to the domestic ideal : women single parents dependent on state benefits , families with housewives who are defined as ‘ poor ’ housekeepers by other women employed by the local authority to make such judgements ( Ungerson , 1971 ) , families headed by men who have been unemployed for years , and single women ( Austerberry and Watson , 1983 ) .
5 It 's been clear for years ( ever since the Hayward exhibitions The Other Story : AfroAsian Artists in Postwar Britain and Art in Latin America met with such dismally insular reponses from most of the critics ) that massive justification is needed for any exhibition that seems ‘ foreign ’ .
6 I believe it had a thatched roof and it was such a bonny place , but it has sadly been derelict for years .
7 He built his shed which , made as it was of old floorboards from a couple of hovels that had been empty for years , resembled a shack .
8 The one I found was run down , anyway , and had been empty for years . ’
9 The house on our western side had been empty for years .
10 She says some have been empty for years and she wants to live in one .
11 Considering Dicke 's thesis as well as van de Kamer 's publication in 1952 it is quite clear that when Dicke went to Utrecht to perform his classic dietary fat absorption experiments , he had already been convinced for years that wheat , rye , and oat meal products were the offending agents in the cause of coeliac disease .
12 He spoke as if they had been married for years , and could joke about sharing a bed .
13 The preacher was describing with enthusiasm how he had been wicked for years and how a certain parson had pointed it out to him : this had gradually turned him from wickedness .
14 He heard himself , it sounded like a door opening somewhere inside him , it was an old door , it had been stuck for years , you had to heave on it , you needed all your strength , and then it gave a few inches , and cried out as it gave .
15 As I 've been stuck for years now
16 A psychiatrist who specialises in executive stress thought the fencing indicated that the person it protected felt an enormous sense of isolation and betrayal at the hands of people who had failed to be grateful for years of selfless public service .
17 No recording of Jenkins 's music had been available for years before the Thorofon CD , and now this Astrée issue comes onto the market , as if to underline how huge a gap in the recorded repertoire that was .
18 In one of those announcements that trigger a double take in observers who find it hard to believe the function had not been available for years , IBM Corp this week finally added Ethernet support for the 3174 cluster controller , long after most users must have given up on the idea and made other arrangements .
19 This neglect of walking has been apparent for years .
20 ‘ We 've been worried for years about their tendency to see Britain as a soft market in which to make a killing . ’
21 Grapefruit diets were popular for years .
22 This accused PW of failing to protect BCCI 's ‘ innocent depositors and creditors from the consequences of poor practice at the bank of which the auditors were aware for years ’ .
23 The dispute , which has been simmering for years , came to the boil in April when Michael Harcourt , the province 's premier , revealed a scheme that would protect 33% of the region , permit limited logging in 17% , and open the rest to extensive ( although , at least in theory , well-managed ) timber harvesting .
24 It would mean that it may be diffcult to do any Tony bashing , but I 'm sure all the praise will by far exceed criticism as far as he is concerned for years to come .
25 People within the health and social services had been aware for years of the patients ' accusations , but nothing was done .
26 By the end of the novel Jaromil has forsworn his artist friend , who is under the ban of the regime and compelled to paint by candlelight : ‘ The whole world of his pictures has been dead for years .
27 ‘ I told you , he 's been dead for years , ’ the guard snaps .
28 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
29 We encounter people who have been dead for years , or improbably have conversations with film stars or royalty .
30 Been dead for years now , has Titch , do n't live to a grand old age as a rule , his sort , everything 's compressed , you see , and he lived a lot longer than they usually do .
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