Example sentences of "be [adj] for other " in BNC.

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1 The development of such ‘ industries ’ has also been facilitated by improved communications and transport as well as the need to generate income in areas that have been adversely affected by the economic recession of the early 1980s or which are unsuitable for other kinds of economic activity such as agriculture .
2 Many other cases raise only hints , come from uncertain contexts , or are doubtful for other reasons .
3 The crofters , who will also be encouraged to support native grasslands which are valuable for other birds , and wildflowers , insects and mammals , will keep their livestock out of enclosed grasslands between April and the end of July .
4 Ocean currents are important for other coastal plants such as some mangroves ( though none of these has reached the isolated archipelago of Hawaii ) , while seeds of the forest lianes , Entada ( Leguminosae ) , are washed even as far as Europe .
5 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
6 Would it be possible for other areas to be given housing action trusts , in addition to all the resources and programmes that my hon. Friend has mentioned ?
7 Also , given the meetings of the Trevi group of Ministers and the development of Europol , perhaps the Minister can say how soon it will be possible for other EC police forces to gain access to Britain 's police national computer and what restrictions will apply .
8 They have suggested that the carcasses of animals which have died of either disease should not be buried in farm fields , as it is now thought that it may be possible for other livestock to become infected .
9 He had to be careful for other , more practical reasons .
10 In other words designers at DEC may have been able to make some process concessions to achieve a record clock rate that might not be appropriate for other architectures .
11 Both Kolisko 's and Boyd 's experiments were painstaking and proved to be impossible for other workers to replicate because of the complicated experimental apparatus involved .
12 In these circumstances it may be hard for other people to believe that the governors ' proceedings can be as fair as they should be .
13 Our collections would be a random sample from the wild cocoa population , to be handed over to cocoa breeders who could screen them for genes that would be useful under their own conditions : a genotype that was susceptible to witches ' broom disease might still be useful for other reasons to farmers in West Africa , where this disease does not occur .
14 I thought this tip would be useful for other intarsia knitters too .
15 They do n't want to risk a break-up — perhaps for the sake of the children , or because it suits them to be married for other reasons .
16 Each partner may also be responsible for other spending .
17 Some income will be taken in direct taxation , such as income tax and so will not be available for other uses .
18 It also ties in well with the availability of seismic vessels which are normally based in the North Sea — because of bad weather there during winter the boats are more likely to be available for other assignments .
19 The microfilm equipment would be available for other uses within RBGE , e.g. microfilm copies of Herbarium type specimens could be produced , for sale or loan to other institutions .
20 As long as there is a healthy collection of lactobacilli in the vagina , conditions will be unfavourable for other micro-organisms , and , although a few such organisms may be isolated , their presence does not signify any important infection .
21 While BT can be pleased that it bought into McCaw at a much lower price than today 's going rate and that it will be difficult for other overseas companies to enter the US domestic market , it will be some time before its investment begins to yield a return .
22 Those studying for the Professional Certificate will normally be eligible to become student members but may be eligible for other grades of membership .
23 Those studying for the Professional Diploma will normally be eligible to become either intermediate or licentiate members but may be eligible for other grades of membership .
24 So in that context the argument would n't arise , therefore any sale of the shares would take place after you 've got hold of the grant and it may be necessary for other reasons like you 've got bills to pay or a mortgage to discharge , whatever the reasons .
25 Our public houses vary in terms of individual design and construction , but the plans provided are typical of the two types of unit distinguished in the Preliminary Report , and it may be assumed that appropriate proposals will be suitable for other units falling within the same category .
26 In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasa of March 28 King Fahd said that the " prevailing democratic system in the world " was not suitable for the region , and that Islam favoured " the consultative system and the openness between the ruler and his subjects " rather than the " free elections " , which might be suitable for other countries .
27 This can be distressing for other residents and staff unless it is handled sensitively .
28 Sometimes , dubious studies achieve publicity or may be attractive for other , perhaps political or novelty , reasons .
29 Yet it may be bad for other firms , even sound ones , since lenders will become increasingly wary , and may charge higher interest rates overall to make up for their higher risks .
30 They promote growth , give protection from infections , and are essential for other body functions .
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