Example sentences of "be [prep] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Gentle , indeed ! ’ she said ‘ And if I were as gentle in the market as I have been for him at home , how does he think I would manage ? ’
2 The England that Pound mourns the loss of is , as it had been for him from the first , an integral province of western Europe , sharing a common culture with France and always reaching out , through France , to the shores of the Mediterranean .
3 Blanche thought she detected a flicker of self-satisfaction , as though she had confirmed what had been for him until then just a suspicion .
4 I remember at the time Wilko saying how he though Kerslake was an excellent buy , and how he 'd been after him for a long time .
5 Oh , they 're , they 're after him like you know
6 ‘ You are like him in that respect ! ’
7 The plot centres around an aristocratic sportsman who in turn becomes the subject of a manhunt : he is alone against the world , but we are with him through every breathless paragraph .
8 Many who are with him on a daily basis support him because he is their only hope .
9 Instead , he was troubled at the start by a cold which has been with him since last week .
10 Such vision is an unusual attribute , but one which the artist maintains has been with him since a very young age .
11 Joan was ushered into the king 's private chamber by a manservant who had been with him since infancy .
12 He 's been with him since primary school , it 'll be nice to go to , cos they 're going off to America when they 've finished
13 He had a house in Gloucestershire and another at Kensington Palace , and staff who had been with him for years , accustomed to his simple and masculine lifestyle and accustomed to ruling it .
14 To them he gave detailed care now as always : most had been with him for many years .
15 She was almost the same age as Julius , and had been with him for over ten years .
16 ‘ And , ’ Claire continued , confirming her misgivings , ‘ his heart is tied up with a woman , one who has been with him for many years now . ’
17 He let his house in Chelsea furnished for the year , with the usual proviso that his own staff should remain to run it — he has a housekeeper who has been with him for years , and one daily maid .
18 ‘ Listen , I 've been with him for nearly three hours , Bern . ’
19 The same woman who had been with him on Saturday .
20 Some had been with him on that night .
21 Ah , said Mr Healey , Enoch had been with him at that seminar in Florence he 'd mentioned .
22 Macmillan then flew back to Treviso to drop off the various Eighth Army officers who had been with him at the conference , had " a short chat " with Gen McCreery , and returned with Philip Broad to Caserta .
23 The watchmaker confirmed he 'd been with him at two .
24 The interviewer , who should have kept her mouth shut , interrupted to ask whether or not Hyacinth had been with him at the Young Conservatives ' Ball .
25 Atkins and the other man who had been with him during the doorstep confrontation on Boxing Night were waiting .
26 They had climbed all over him in Tatton Park , looked at Granada TV studio sets with him , been with him to the Industrial and Air Museums .
27 Yet , he still somehow manages to listen to virtually everything that 's sent in and retain the same enthusiasm for music that has been with him through his 23 years at Radio 1 .
28 Yet , he still somehow manages to listen to virtually everything that 's sent in and retain the same enthusiasm for music that has been with him through his 23 years at Radio 1 .
29 Burton wrote , with typical flaring generosity ( like his fellow Welshman , Henry VII , he never forgot those who had been with him around the campfire when the crown was hardly even a dream in unreal England ) :
30 She had her difficulties , too , or she would have been with him by this ; but she was as much the prisoner of circumstances as he , and could not well take ship until she had established a firm and safe regime for her young son .
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