Example sentences of "be [prep] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 I 've got it here in , in , in black and white , Mao said what we are after is the abolition of feudal ties , to get rid of feudalism .
2 The recreational vehicles — Vauxhall is sensitive about calling them off-roaders — are familiar ; in Japan and in the US they 're the short-wheelbase Isuzu Amigo and the long-wheelbase five-door Rodeo , but in the UK they 're to be the Vauxhall Frontera Sport and Frontera respectively .
3 What I 'm against is the inference that we do n't put any other matters erm that comes up on the subject if it arose prior to the to June .
4 The aim of the business leader must be to be the best , for only the best command their own destiny and achieve the sort of rewards that are sought for themselves and their people .
5 I am to be the new Archdeacon here . ’
6 Allowance will be made for contingencies , but these are to be the exception rather than the rule .
7 COACH travellers are to be the subject of a study to find out what causes motion sickness among passengers in road vehicles .
8 Self-interest plays a part but the clubs have a strong case when they argue that if they are to be the mentors to the young , society must help to foot the bill .
9 The figures from the United Kingdom , acknowledged as they are to be the most accurate , still underestimate the true incidence of infection .
10 Teachers in these schools are to be the employees of the governing bodies ( made up of representatives from the funding industry and of parents ) who will be ‘ free to negotiate pay and conditions of service ’ .
11 Great is the festival hall where you are to be the only guest .
12 THE Queen and the Princess of Wales are to be the guests at Saturday 's wedding of the princess 's close friend the Hon Harry Herbert when he marries Chica Bevan at Highclere Castle , the seat of his father , the Queen 's racing manager the Earl of Carnarvon .
13 More radical action by companies may be required if audit committees are to be the agent of real improvement in standards of corporate governance .
14 The more often they mate , the more likely they are to be the one who fertilises the eggs , and the more certain they can be that the offspring they expend so much time and energy in rearing are theirs .
15 It is not necessarily romantic — that is , restrictive , unreal , exaggerated — to draw on the upper deck for the individual characters whose attitudes and decisions are to be the driving force of a story .
16 These babies are to be the first of a new kind of missile , powered by life .
17 There are three vital programmes in which you must train your lecturers if they are to be the advisers and guides that they are supposed to be .
18 If your notes are to be the product of analytical thought , rather than a mere prelude to it , it is essential that you always review your reading .
19 Planning , social inquiry reports and enforcing court orders are to be the future task of probation , with an emphasis on the new task of the management and organisation of time , resources and workloads .
20 Observation and participation in the installation ceremonies are to be the major tools of research and have been made possible by earlier field-work .
21 The forests of the Western Ghats , a mountainous region in Karnataka state in south-western India , are to be the focus of an ambitious conservation programme , launched by the Karnataka Forest Department with the support of the UK 's Overseas Development Administration ( ODA ) .
22 The main areas for attention are to be the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan .
23 Wherever the terms require something to be done within a period of time , the drafter should also consider what are to be the consequences of a failure to comply .
24 Women Deacons in the Diocese of Oxford are to be the first in the country to be ordained as priests .
25 GRE also announced that its Lytham and Edinburgh offices are to be the subject of a six-month operating review to improve efficiency .
26 The Bootle coal mountains are to be the focal point of a demonstration against imports and pit closures tomorrow .
27 No I do n't know when they 're making decisions , the deadline for them being in was the end of the financial year ,
28 The proposal for a community charge — or ‘ poll tax ’ — put forward by Nicholas Ridley in 1988 ran into furious local opposition , not least among the Scots who were to be the first to pay this new imposition , After all , freeborn Englishmen , led by Wat Tyler , had revolted against a poll tax as long ago as 1381 , and its bluntness and social inequity helped fuel a considerable popular protest , including in the Conservative shires .
29 Henceforward British subjects were to be the sum total of the citizens of those territories — some independent and some not independent as yet — which had formerly been within the allegiance as dominions of the Crown .
30 Such individuals were to be the standard-bearers of an agricultural revolution based on a farming system which overcame the limitations of African soils by the scientific rotation of crops and their integration with livestock .
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