Example sentences of "be [prep] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The claims that appear endlessly in newspaper columns are about whether the government has taken proper account of the expected increase in demand and costs .
2 The tape recording of the interview no longer exists ; in essence , the case will be about whether the jury believes Jason or the journalist .
3 He obviously had to get him up f erm sort of rolled him over er one way then the other to be of but the er the legs of the jeans on .
4 Mm , what did erm the dentist and hospitals used to be like before the New Town was built ?
5 Now that 's what actually happens , there 's a there 's a dialectical interaction between people 's ideas about what society should be like and the changes that are actually going on around them .
6 I wonder what it 'd be like if the phone suddenly rung and it was for me .
7 Imagine what Liverpool would be like if the Labour Party had refused to organise there over the past century .
8 They give us a vivid idea of what the lending libraries would be like if the popular mass-circulation libraries had not been crushed by the public libraries in their politically motivated post-war form .
9 He was the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life and she was willing to jump through any hoop and over any hurdle to win him .
10 THERE is a first time for everything : Aladdin was the first panto I 'd been to and the first Frank Bruno has performed in .
11 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and it was the first one I went to , but I must say of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I felt most comfortable and happy .
12 I liked York very much , because it was set round a lake and erm it was the first one I went to , but I must say that of the other modern universities that I know I would say that Sussex was erm was the other best one that I 've been to and the one that I 've felt most erm comfortable and happy in .
13 The profit would have been minus cos the costs would still be there so it must be a cancellation .
14 The rival , splinter organization which emerged as a result , the Imperial Maritime League ( IML ) , claimed that any serious Navalist had to support the Conservatives , irrespective of the fact that individual Liberal candidates were ‘ sound ’ on naval questions , on the grounds that collectively the Liberals were against and the Conservatives in favour of a big Navy .
15 It 's as if the name were waiting for the man , and for the novel which will transpersonalize or socialize the murderous concept : ‘ social unsteadiness , as Shatov says ’ and as we read in the Possessed notebooks .
16 ‘ It 's as if the batteries are dead , ’ she said .
17 ‘ It 's as if the skin that separates you from those horrible things in the newspaper has been ripped away , ’ says Alexandra Campbell , who six years ago was the victim of an attack in her own home .
18 In nightclubs and pop promo videos , it 's as if the banshees have come down screaming from the catwalk , staggering in their stilettos under the weight of their Max Factor cosmetics and costume jewellery .
19 But I ca n't explain it , it 's as if the devil himself is down there , and there 's this horrible smell that chokes you and at the same time you get the feeling that something evil is lying in wait for you .
20 To complete the analogy , it 's as if the RFU is a lumbering forward giving a hospital pass that leaves Best no room to sidestep , no alternative but to put his head down and put his trust in the tried and tested battering ram technique .
21 ‘ It 's as if the last time you saw me was yesterday . ’
22 It 's as if the relationship needed redefining and I was n't committed to doing that .
23 I am less sure about the Andantino grazioso , which could be more relaxed than here ; it 's as if the performers are anxious that this longish ( and to be honest , maybe too long ) movement should not outstay its welcome , and even here it lasts getting on for three minutes longer than either of the others .
24 It 's as if the initial prophylactic use was enough to salve any consciences , enough to make everyone think , ‘ Well , we 've done our bit ’ , and nobody mentions their absence second time around .
25 ‘ It 's as if the gods have given us a gift to use against our enemies .
26 It 's as if the lights have fused .
27 It 's as if the denial of the pain inhibits their capacity to learn .
28 It 's as if the tube sucked the sunlight out of them .
29 It 's as if the despaired-of dove returned
30 It is as if the war , crisis , living hell or chaotic backwater can never be known and will never end .
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