Example sentences of "be [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have n't been drinking , Harvey , ’ she said patiently , as if this was a dialogue they had been through many times before .
2 ‘ The North has been through hard times but things are changing , ’ he said .
3 Our Regional Association has been through difficult times , mainly due to isolation and communication problems .
4 Both Father and Mother had been through difficult times financially in their twenties but Father had founded a fine family business in London which flourished and while both of them were wise and sensible about money there was never any lack of it and funds were available for anything that would widen our horizons and education .
5 Well I said to er one lady who 's been for first time and she thinks it 's marvellous !
6 ‘ Present values are lower than they have been for some time , and are sticking .
7 As Elisabeth , Rosalind Plowright sounded more secure than she has been for some time on British stages and sang her last aria with true Verdian pathos and passion .
8 If a child is sniffing with a group of young people , and has been for some time , it may help to provide other more interesting and exciting leisure activities .
9 However , those who are unemployed , especially if they have been for some time , may find it is more important to send out as many letters as possible , in the hope of getting some response .
10 I am much slimmer and a better shape than I have been for some time ( or for months , years , etc. ) and I am going to get even slimmer and achieve an even better figure — a figure I never thought I could have .
11 ‘ The improvement and the form suggests it 's the best Welsh pack since the Triple Crown in 1988 , so yes I 'm more optimistic than I 've been for some time ’ , said the 43-year-old ‘ Panther ’ , who is now a schoolmaster in Swansea .
12 My wife Pam has been for some time aware that I have been having an on-going relationship with Suzannah , who I believe is known to some of you .
13 There has been for some time in Africa debate concerning the suitability for the Eucharist of wheat bread and grape wine .
14 Evidence from official statistics suggests that the number of households containing two or more elementary families has indeed fallen : from 3 per cent of households in 1961 to 1 per cent in 1981 ( Social Trends , 1987 , p. 41 , table 2.1 ) Clearly this is , and apparently has been for some time , very much a minority arrangement within the British population as a whole .
15 His interest in humanity now was stone dead , and probably had been for some time .
16 " I have n't been for some time .
17 ‘ That you were having an affair — had been for some time . ’
18 According to Alcuin the oppression of the Church by the secular power had been for some time a feature of Northumbrian political and ecclesiastical life , but the problem now was that Eanbald was said to be accompanied on his journeys through Northumbria by a retinue more numerous than any which had attended on his predecessors and inclusive of low-born soldiers , and Alcuin affected to be at a loss as to why he needed so large a force .
19 At this moment the King , who had been for some time busily writing in his notebook , called out , ‘ Silence ! ’ and read out from his book , ‘ Rule Forty-Two .
20 ‘ The Khanate is settled , and has been for some time , ’ his father said dismissively .
21 " No , and there have n't been for some time . "
22 ‘ I think you do follow us , ’ Cranston replied , ‘ and have been for some time .
23 For one thing , Kelly 's very happily involved in a relationship and has been for some time , so I 'm quite convinced her eyes wo n't stray towards any ski-bums , no matter how handsome . ’
24 They have not been for some time except to people who still remember The Beatles and The Animals .
25 He said it was broken , had been for some time , and that if I wanted a toilet I should go to the cafe upstairs .
26 Well , we have been for some time .
27 Bob Gunnell , of course , is an was and has been for some time a very supportive member of South East Arts and active in many of its committees .
28 Maybe they had been for old times the old times that had never really existed .
29 The adoral shields are about 2–3 times as long as broad , wing-like , nor separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
30 In T.buttikoferi the light and dark bands are about the same width , but in T.joka the dark ones are about 3–4 times as wide as the light .
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