Example sentences of "be [art] [noun pl] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 If the rebel helots at Ithome were still maintaining their siege ( 465–455 are the dates Thucydides implies ) this use of manpower was reckless indeed ; so perhaps the text is wrong and the Ithome dates are really 465–460 .
2 Prominent at the moment are the groups Avia , who use Sov-art from 20s and 30s , Pop Mechanics of S. Kurjehin who favour a multi- media show which employs symphonic , rock choiral , folk and live animals , and finally Auction who have a surrealistic cabaret style .
3 " Yes , those are the things Martha and I like .
4 3.30 Race : Only class horses win the Champion Hurdle and the pair which best fit that definition are the brothers Morley Street and Granville Again .
5 are dried plums and the best are the pruneaux d'Agen from France .
6 In France , there are the Centres d'Etudes of the Directions des Applications Militaires which is a sub-division of the Commission d'Energie Atomique at Ripault .
7 Well on fa front of Gavin 's file there are the words Donna loves Kate .
8 Where 's , where 's , where are the leads Dan ? aerial
9 There are the twins Presley and Haley Stray , and the surname plainly marks them out as abandoned waifs , far removed from parental care .
10 Hindering the porting effort are the tools Microsoft provides , good for only compile and debug .
11 What are the features et denial in Chemical Dependency ?
12 These are the men Jones highlights , and his comments :
13 These are the tapes Mrs Abberley showed me earlier . ’
14 The recently published books , The End of History and the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama a The Oedipus Myth are the influences Conchita Moore recognises in her work , yet the exhibition is chaotic and some of the paintings unresolved .
15 ‘ They are the Destroyers Turhan Bey has warned you against .
16 These are the steps Steven had to take .
17 If one looks at the sky on a clear , moonless night , the brightest objects one sees are likely to be the planets Venus , Mars , Jupiter , and Saturn .
18 It could be the parts John was wanting .
19 were the judges Mrs got the highest number of lots and won the cup is it
20 Somewhere in those packs were the clothes Riven had entered Minginish with , though only Bicker knew that he had brought them along .
21 These were the words Moses heard as God passed by .
22 ‘ A Bishop 's favourite ’ were the words Wheeler wrote on the Crockford list , ’ Theodora pointed out .
23 ‘ Look lively , lads , ’ and ‘ Keep in step , ’ were the words Charlie had shouted at him again and again .
24 THEY were the words Diana had waited desperately to hear .
25 These were the words Geoff ( my husband ) said to me as we left Le Havre at 7.30 am on Saturday , 24 October 1992 .
26 These were the bandits Mick had spoken of .
27 Representing the Prussian general staff were the generals von Roon and von Moltke , and perhaps most importantly , Bismarck , who later described the occasion as a ‘ simple family dinner ’ , a description of which it could be said that those who believe it will believe anything .
28 Among his many pupils were the authors George Bernard Shaw and Aldous Huxley , the scientists Professor Raymond Dart , Professor George E. Coghill and Professor Frank Pierce Jones , as well as many well-known actors — too numerous to list in full .
29 At the auction last year the buyers were the dealers Konrad Bernheimer , ( who has already been involved in the return of other important furniture to the Prussian palaces ) , and Achim Neuse .
30 In addition there are three groups waging an armed struggle against the government on behalf of the black minority , the most important of which is the Forces de libération africaine de Mauritanie ( FLAM — African Liberation Forces of Mauritania ) [ see also pp. 37798-99 ] .
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