Example sentences of "be [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is absolutely no question that there are kind of money advice people in the City sitting around with nothing to do , quite the contrary , so I mean it 's not a duplication , erm and of course we make sure that we that all the people involved in money advice within the City , whether funded directly or indirectly by the City Council , work with each other and co-operate with each other and form a network .
2 There are other reasons as well , things like peace and tranquillity er time to reflect er and yeah there are other motivations as well which you , if you like , are kind of negative .
3 Knill said that there had been progress in collaboration with HEIs over responsive mode funding and with NERC 's institutes .
4 There has been progress in design , but no progress in accomplishment , specifically because there has been equal progress in design on both sides of the arms race .
5 The most liquid of the market loans are money at call and short notice lent to the discount houses .
6 Thus , the phenomenon may have been part of variability in English for many centuries — more common perhaps in some dialects than in others , receding at some periods and progressing at others .
7 Since 1988 he has been chairman of CAFOD .
8 I 've had a bit of trouble with this ear again , it 's been kind of sore on and off , and down my neck .
9 I kept trying to remember what a good time Sugar and Spite had been — and Goodstyle , a history of art revue I 'd written and pinched and compiled for Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art , Dundee , when I 'd been writer in residence .
10 They are Board of Trade President Michael Heseltine , Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind , Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke and Foreign Office Minister Tristan Garel-Jones .
11 Consequently the basic concepts have been division of labour , organisational structure , job descriptions , but above all — hierarchy .
12 Nevertheless , in share sales problems may still exist if there are change of control clauses in contracts to which the target is a party .
13 There 's been damage to farm machinery as well … ’
14 If there was actual combustion of the damaged goods , however caused , there has been damage by fire .
15 Some are dyed-in-the-wool environmentalists , many are businesspeople with tourist interests , but many more are ordinary people .
16 For him , even choices which are clearly dictated by subject matter are part of style : it is part of the style of a particular cookery book that it contains words like butter , flour , boil and bake ; and it is part of the style of Animal Farm that it contains many occurrences of pigs , farm , and Napoleon .
17 Advice Shop and Consumer Education are part of Support Services .
18 In another sense , however , they are part of the same package for they are part of government attempts to bring employment and labour together irrespective of whether the aid is given to industry or to labour .
19 These absences are part of life in an African primary school and no number of official circulars will alter the situation .
20 Your job is vital whatever you do whether you are part of service , sales , administration or management .
21 NOW that the dreaded NHS frames are part of school folklore , youngsters are no longer afraid to be seen in specs .
22 NOW that the dreaded NHS frames are part of school folklore , youngsters are no longer afraid to be seen in specs .
23 If you 're a school governor or a member of a P T A or just a parent , you must demand that the real facts of life and death are part of sex and hygiene education .
24 They are part of history .
25 NARA has had difficulty defining itself programmatically because members who are part of denomination staffs struggle primarily with their own immediate projects rather than the more distant and less easily defined communication tasks of WACC .
26 What we try to do is to make available to people opportunities for study in depth and over a fairly long period of time , on issues and in subjects which are part of University activity .
27 They are part of preparation for life and , provided they do not get out of hand , do no harm whatever .
28 They are part of SCIENCE .
29 All these are part of living , all these activities are totally intertwined , and there is no possibility of separating them into work and leisure .
30 For if learning was put ahead of teaching in the discourse of higher education , and if the independence , creativity and personal endeavour which are part of learning were addressed ; if both were taken on board seriously , what would be implied would be a major challenge to the power relations in higher education , between those who teach and those who are taught .
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