Example sentences of "be [indef pn] like the " in BNC.

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1 Sales , however , have been disappointing , and there 's been nothing like the same kind of interest the earlier books had .
2 They are nothing like the divers we have tried to photograph and largely failed to capture because of their timidity .
3 COOK 'S NOTE : Commercially prepared Melba toasts are available , but they are nothing like the real thing .
4 are nothing like the ones that he using !
5 If you 're anything like the GH staff , you 'll be wanting to know more about Stella … watch this space .
6 Now that particular force if they 're anything like the other forces that I deal with , ai n't under the stresses and strains that we are .
7 In a mature oil province like the North Sea , most of the large fields have certainly been discovered and the fields of the future will be nothing like the size of the giant fields of Brent , Ninian and Forties .
8 But I thought , sitting there on the side of my bed looking out over the trash-filled street with the sound of the trucks grinding and roaring down the thoroughfare , that He must be something like the sun rising out of the ocean on a cloudless day .
9 Answering questions at a meeting with foreign journalists , Mrs Thatcher said : ‘ We are looking at a scheme to have some people from Hong Kong , but it could n't be anything like the total number . ’
10 She wondered if this might be anything like the bananas that Mrs Parvis said were so exceptional .
11 The total effect was unlikely to be anything like the boost needed to lift the economy .
12 ‘ If she has , dear Mrs Pargeter ’ — Fosdyke was being almost intolerably gallant — ‘ he ca n't be anything like the great Haverford Downs . ’
13 He said : ‘ He was completely out of his depth in this matter and never dreamed there would be anything like the £30,000 that they in fact took . ’
14 And I never r expected it to be anything like the end result , I mean the reaction to it 's been fantastic in the last two years .
15 In 1924 , the All Blacks undertook internal matches against Auckland and Manawatu as preparation for a European tour and promptly lost 14-3 to Auckland , who in those days were nothing like the force they are now .
16 Allan Lamb took over the captaincy and did his best , but it soon became clear that without Gooch they were nothing like the same team .
17 Even the early varieties developed in the time of Browning and Tennyson were nothing like the splendours of today , and one wonders what the genius of their poetic expressions would have made of the ethereal glow in the half light of ‘ Super Star ’ ( see page 129 ) , the exquisite shape and deepest of all crimson-black red of ‘ Charles Mallerin ’ or a hundred and one other modern marvels .
18 Were nothing like the real thing
19 It , it depends on just what these things are for , because if think about a third level document as being something like the T G I manual , that 's got to be mandatory , you 've got no choice in it because it 's not covered in procedures , it 's got to be that .
20 ‘ Maybe people would think we were something like the British Labour Party , ’ he said hopefully .
21 Moreover the style faithfully mirrors the puerility of the content : to think that the barons who faced King John at Runnymede were anything like the Cokes or Hampdens who challenged the royal prerogative of the Stuarts in the seventeenth century , or that these in turn had much or anything in common with Sam and John Adams or Tom Paine , is to adopt the notorious ‘ Whig interpretation ’ of English history in a sort of parody version for grade school .
22 They held up posters rejecting the idea that their fathers were anything like the Gestapo , and calling for ‘ full social security ’ for Stasi officers expected to lose their posts in the process of trimming the service .
23 ‘ There 's nothing like the lake and the open air for powdering through the lessons . ’
24 There 's nothing like the soft texture and colour of old fabrics : learn to use and take care of them . ’
25 Everton 's Peter Beardsley made a less optimistic assessment : ‘ When we get players injured there 's nothing like the depth of talent in reserve here that I was used to at Liverpool .
26 ‘ There 's desert to cross , but it 's nothing like the G'bai . ’
27 There 's nothing like the birth of a baby to get life into perspective .
28 There 's nothing like an Epsom , there 's nothing like the variety that our jockeys have to cope with
29 Ach , there 's nothing like the primitive life , is there ? ’
30 Erm , er , if you , if you know anything about the kind of thing that actually goes on er , it 's nothing like the it 's supposed to be .
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