Example sentences of "be [indef pn] between the " in BNC.

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1 The back was taken off so there would be nothing between the sounding-board and the horn , and the pianist was instructed to play ‘ double forte ’ throughout ( 10 ) .
2 In the circumstances , a 9–0 defeat shows that ordinarily there would be nothing between the teams .
3 He added : ‘ However , I think there must be something between the pair we do n't know about .
4 ‘ Nothing is more remarkable ’ , wrote Wellesley , ‘ than the apathy of the people who have taken neither side of the question but look on the quarrel as to be one between the army and the king . ’
5 ‘ You sure there 's nothing between the two of you ? ’
6 There 's nothing between the two teams …
7 The former contradiction , which Marx describes as ‘ the fundamental contradiction of developed capitalism ’ , is one between the social character of production , with its tendency towards unlimited development of the productive forces , and the private ownership of the means of production ( and therefore private appropriation of the product ) from which derives the aim of maintaining and increasing the value of capital itself , and hence setting limits to the expansion of production .
8 If that perimeter was broken , there was still the Gemioncourt farm by the ford which could be an anchor to a defensive line , but once Gemioncourt was captured there was nothing between the French and the crossroads .
9 Working from my assumption that there was something between the two of you anyway , it seemed obvious that you 'd decided to take it much further . ’
10 The critical distinction drawn by Lord Bridge of Harwich was one between the decision making functions of the local authority and its executive functions , by which I take Lord Bridge to mean the administrative acts to be performed in giving effect to the relevant decision .
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