Example sentences of "be [indef pn] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 There has n't been one for a long time and that 's all I can say .
2 You 've always been one for a quiet life , have n't you ? ’
3 ‘ I 've never been one for a sweet wine Never . ’
4 This change has not necessarily been one for the better .
5 He was a guy who could be something for a brief period of time and then he vanished like the spirit he was impersonating .
6 He detected a note of excitement in his uncle 's voice and thought that it would be something for the old man to look forward to , seeing his work in print .
7 Ash is produced when the coal is burnt and has proved to be something for the salvation for many plants and animals the ash is so fine that it has to be turned into a slurry and put into the to settle out these can be up to eight years during which time it becomes none the less but an artificial mud flat quickly colonized by weeds , pioneers crucial to the complex way of life in our natural world But for bird-watchers it is the bird that attracted to these artificial mud flats that are the most exciting development within the boundaries of these power station nature reserves .
8 Erm obviously other forms of power er the , the , the water barrage in the Severn erm Estuary and the wind power is , is something but obviously er the thing with this atomic power situation , it 's got to be something for the future .
9 ‘ There may well be something for the police in the Jefferson connection .
10 There are a variety of reasons for this , but one of them is that buying and selling shares is considered not only to be something for the rich but also to be very complex .
11 Can we in the alternative put our case if that is a fait accompli then there must be something for the local communities to be derived from this and therefore we went for protection under one O six agreement as Stewart quite rightly refers to and we also went for the dedication of large areas of the resultant heap for landscaping and for public open space .
12 ‘ I 'm one for the ready , Mr Five Per Cent , ’ he said to me in his amusing way . ’
13 One important caveat to the E. F. Loftus and Burns study is that the test of memory could be considered to be one for a peripheral detail .
14 Of course if a number of horses are being fed in a paddock , their feedbins should be spaced well apart and there should be one for every horse .
15 She was determined the wedding would be one for the young blind girl to remember , even though it was not likely to be attended by any of the Wychwood gipsies who had been at Boz 's marriage to Nahum 's sister .
16 The question is held to be one for the unrestricted discretion of the jury or magistrates who are allowed to find that even a bruise is enough .
17 So that we 're prepared within the Rural Housing Trust to look at all these ideas , and we 've been looking at the whole question , we feel that this has got to be one for the planners , the planners must be involved in identifying where these problems lie , they 're not uniform , all across the country , er and it 's something that er we therefore need to use the planning er scenario entirely and fully in order to identify where the problem lies .
18 ‘ God , Nurse , ’ Ted exclaimed virtuously , ‘ There 's nothing for a hot-blooded sinner like me to do when he sees you coming , except close his eyes and pray for continence . ’
19 If that bit can , you know , that 's fixed there 's nothing for the unless the tape just slides and sits
20 So there is nothing for a family to be afraid of .
21 The term substantial steps is used because prior to that stage it is generally assumed that there is nothing for the offeror to disclose publicly .
22 When the adjective is one which qualifies sense , one would expect the altered phrase to have become quite useless — perhaps even to be designated as ungrammatical — precisely because such adjectives require exhibition of the properties involved in the noun in order to have their own effect , by combining with those properties ; so , if the noun or pronoun head of the phrase merely indicates entity-hood without mentioning any properties , there is nothing for the sense-qualifying adjective to work on .
23 It says , the quiz will contain some sixty questions covering general knowledge and not just railway so so that there is , not very good grammar , so that there is nothing for the family to be afraid of .
24 And they say that 's plenty for a healthy business .
25 There 's none for the tea urns or the washing up or … ’ her voice dropped dramatically .
26 The activities of the societies also ensure that there is something for every branch of the membership .
27 It has a light , fresh fragrance and there is something for every style .
28 Is it really self-evident that the manufacture of napalm to be used in war is something for the benefit of the public ?
29 But if the asserted proposition is about Ruritania , then surely it must be false , for in that case the subject term has a reference , i.e. there is something for the proposition to be true about If , on the other hand , the proposition is true , then by the same token it can not be about Ruritania , for Ruritania does not exist ; it is fiction .
30 Of course this is something for the future , the whole concept of hydrogen economy is well developed .
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