Example sentences of "be [adv prt] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Luci Hayter looked as if she 'd been up every night for a week .
2 And you 've been back every year since .
3 Young A&R guys are out every night looking at bands .
4 Male activists are out every night unless they stay in for the wife 's one night out .
5 Well I du n no , I do n't know what we 'll do , it 's , there 's plenty of work to be done around , but I 've been out every night this week and I 'm in tonight thank goodness , I need to be in
6 Used to go down , well I used to be down every night , rubbing the salt in this , to make the bacon and I had a smokehouse down the yard where I used to smoke the bacon .
7 Thankfully it was a red-hot summer , and they could be out every minute .
8 The men said they would be out every night to " pay for " this prosecution and during the following week two fallow deer fawns were killed .
9 I 'm out every night this week .
10 He says they 'll be back every weekend .
11 His mother tells me he is out every night at some ‘ do ’ ' or other .
12 He 's out every night , sometimes until the early hours .
13 And was out every night , so much that Lucy actually said : I 've called you ! , her glorious eyes questioning , troubled green , burning brown .
14 He was out every night and most weekends and if he was n't out he was asleep .
15 She was out every evening , sometimes staying away all night and coming back in the afternoon only to tart herself up for the next evening away .
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