Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Neville had been to see Private Eye , and its staff had been courteous , but faintly aloof .
2 The traditional role of mother and baby units in psychiatry has been to treat acute postpartum mental illness without separating the mother from the infant .
3 These should be about 23 cm ( 9 in ) deep and of similar width if they are to accommodate aquatic planting baskets properly .
4 It is to be hoped that schools in the independent sector will recognise how vital these principles are if we are to promote true peace and co-operation in British society .
5 The identification of the cause of discomfort is critical if nurses are to promote patient ease and comfort .
6 I believe that an element of local knowledge is essential if you are to acquire maximum enjoyment from this volume .
7 We must expand the breadth of political argument if we are to claim political integrity as a distinct ideal on its own .
8 And I think it is , we would all agree , that it is essential that an agreement which is acceptable to all sides is reached , and I 'm sure that it 's going to be because let us not forget that we 're not in business to remain in perpetual opposition if we are to achieve proper rights for employees , which have been so reduced by the Conservatives if we are to save the welfare state , which is now so under threat if we are to obtain decent health and education services , which are also under threat if we are to create a strong economy and a strong recovery which provides the jobs which we so desperately need then we must win power !
9 The essentials of the problem have been thoroughly analysed in the past few years ; the difficulty has been to obtain international agreement on solutions .
10 The effects of fire are to increase light intensity at the ground , affecting germination but also the fauna and flora of the soil .
11 Flexible friend FOOTBALL : MPs are to meet National Heritage Secretary David Mellor to seek ‘ a show of flexibility ’ over the implementation of the Taylor Report .
12 The government 's aim has always been to attract foreign investment ; only its tactics have changed as the tiny city-state ( 639 sq km ) matures and looks for more sophisticated investors to help it achieve the longed-for ‘ developed nation ’ status by 2030 .
13 These are to provide short term relief to those suffering from the effects of the famine and to try to prevent the famine continuing by getting to the root of the problem , and so having more lasting long term effects .
14 In essence , the effect of medically conceived interpretations and solutions has been to provide institutional care settings and services , often taking over pre-existing custodial arrangements , in which basic nursing care , supervision and protection have been provided , with drug therapy as the major planned ‘ intervention ’ or treatment .
15 Set up in 1979 [ see p. 29817 ] , the primary aim of the SADCC had been to counter economic destabilization by , and regional dependence on , apartheid South Africa .
16 Her lifelong mission has been to counter fundamentalist hypocrisy in any form , but she admits she 'd now like to resolve the conflict with her mother .
17 WORKERS at Monktonhall Colliery , who have not been paid for seven weeks , are to receive financial assistance from Lothian Regional Council to fund an independent study into the pit 's viability .
18 A full meeting of the TCCB on May 19 will have decided whether the recommendations are to receive similar treatment to those of its predecessors , that is the Clark Plan of 1966 and the Palmer report of 1986 , and be consigned in large measure to the archives or to be adopted in full .
19 The funds are to purchase malted barley , yeast and oak casks , and for the use of labour and stills at Tobermory , as well as the later transport of the fine spirit to Customs-approved bonds .
20 The point to note here is that it is the lower-wage countries for which this is the case and the crucial impact of the TNCs has been to create intense pressure to keep down labour costs in order to attract foreign investment .
21 Prior to this Act the traditional approach of central government had been to view local expenditure in global terms ; hence , as long as local government spending as a whole remained on target , individual authorities spending above the norm were not penalized .
22 If we are to evaluate complementary medicine properly , he says , there are several separate questions that must be asked .
23 Understanding how the global ocean works is important if we 're to forecast climatic change .
24 This new building was no doubt excellent of its kind , but if the intention had been to express confident authority tempered by humanity he was n't sure that the architect had succeeded .
25 It is a must if you are to play good golf , and I suggest you learn it .
26 Your new orders will also confirm that I am to assume overall charge of the investigation .
27 Soldiers of the Junior Infantry Battalion of the Scottish and Kings Division , based in Northumberland , are to help National Trust restoration projects covering revamping safety rails on South Shields cliffs and clearing coastal dereliction at Warren House Gill , near Easington .
28 Local authorities are to retain overall control of community care services , but they are to be responsible for planning , finance and regulation rather than direct provision .
29 If both consultants and house officers are to give dedicated time to education , then less clinical work will be achieved and waiting lists will grow longer .
30 IN THE STUDIO — Ronald Smith , Moray Welsh and James Clark are to record Alkan chamber music for Nimbus .
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