Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 He believes we are at a deeply significant turning point in human history and if we are to come through it we have to change not just the way people behave , but also the way in which they think .
2 Erm , so playgroups I feel need , erm , particularly for certain children , they need to find assisted places of some sort , because say it 's one eighty a session , and they need several sessions a week , if they 're to benefit from it , and one eighty or one seventy or whatever the cost is , which I think is round about that figure , erm , is not something that a family normally would have priority , the , the kind of family who has to have erm , needs , special needs anyway themselves .
3 Any new food regime has to be simple to follow if you are to stick with it for any length of time .
4 The traditional Keynesian view of the conduct of monetary policy has been to assign to it the role of interest rate and/or exchange rate stabilization .
5 Few , if any , Members of Parliament who voted , as I did more than once , for the abolition of the death penalty , can have failed to revolve in their minds many times since then both the reasons for their vote and what cause there might be to repent of it or to vote otherwise on a future occasion .
6 I 'm to go with it now we 've lost you . ’
7 In fact probably you 'd move more cos he says yo your instinct is take your feet off I think your instinct would be to jump on it all the harder .
8 Then he said , ‘ If I was to advertise this job how likely would you be to apply for it ? ’ , and suddenly the hairs prickled on the back of my neck , because I knew he was serious .
9 ‘ Till we know what ‘ this ’ is , ’ he said reasonably , ‘ everything may be to do with it . ’
10 And it well they certainly seemed to be to do with it at the burying like the the linen
11 And what a fearful price there will be to pay for it .
12 to Majorca for a week but it wo n't be to laze around it 's for it 's for walking .
13 For the old people who are the subject of this book , some care by the community is essential if they are to stay in it .
14 Floy said , slowly , ‘ If Snodgrass and I were to agree to it — ’ He stopped and Caspar said , ‘ Yes ? ’
15 So if four of us were to work on it as a group ,
16 Men were to talk of it for many years to come .
17 In the Pre-Campaign Wave and the two Campaign Waves we asked electors to give each party a mark out of ten for how inclined they were to vote for it .
18 In Italy , Austria and south Germany the baroque style went wild , but in England it was short-lived and remained terrifically reserved and in character with the nobility and gentry who were to live with it .
19 Sylvie Guillem , the exquisite prima ballerina , had been procured to dance for it ; chanteuses of international renown were to sing for it ; the Gypsy Kings would be there to serenade it at the top of their lungs .
20 Arsenal were to pay for it .
21 You will perhaps be affronted by my frankness Ellen but I am distressed and if you were to think on it you would understand .
22 Waggoner eventually concluded that the only way to see a whole tournament is to go to it for the entire week .
23 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
24 Their contribution to the great house is to restore to it its appropriate character , as a hospitable ( but undeniably middle-class ) home .
25 And so he asked this girl Jane and , and then he asked me and erm and er had I sat down and thought about it I could have said well er what I thought , you know , the correct way er but I thought well there 's correct and there 's correct and I think the right way is to write to it and to say yes thanks
26 Juries saw no problem deciding whom they were to despatch from this world : let similar bodies decide who is to come into it .
27 Even so , if the sequence is to come off it will have to be stage-managed to some extent : children who are young enough to believe in Santa Claus are not old enough to carry the action on their own without the help of an adult to keep things moving .
28 And in fact , if the argument above is sound , to conceive of a knee other than yours hurting in the way in which yours hurts is to conceive of it as hurting you .
29 Until that happy day , the only way to achieve an enjoyable and comfortable life is to work for it .
30 Just as in-service education does not work if it has not been tailored to match the stage or condition of the teacher who is to benefit from it , so the manager can not manage unless the method and style of management are acceptable and unless its purposes have been first unravelled and then knitted together after consultation between the manager and the manager 's colleagues .
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