Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had been to see him the previous day , and arranged that he come and teach me Dutch .
2 Having set the Duchy on the road to providing an income for the Prince of Wales , the next task had been to find him a house and , of all those short-listed in the summer of 1980 , Charles chose Highgrove .
3 By the way , while I think of it , Anne was just about to leave the country when you rang , but she says when she gets back in September you 're to give her a call . ’
4 ‘ Uncle Albert says we 're to note what the light beams do , and see if anything changes as we accelerate .
5 ‘ But I 'll need some support if I am to give him the service he wants .
6 For the US or Britain to have been the first to recognize Bao Dai would , said Acheson , have been to give him the kiss of death .
7 The students , both in this series of interviews , and in another pre-structured evaluation interview , said that the main advantage of the course in information retrieval had been to give them an overall , systematic view of scientific information flow , which helped them to understand how to look for the information they required :
8 The cumulative effect of the language of the British inner city has been to give it a contradictory definition , as a conceptual space both inside and outside of society .
9 You are to keep it a secret , Theodosia .
10 Secondary aims are to study what the postlingual deaf feel about their state and others ' attitudes to it , and their lipreading skills .
11 It is very important to get the facts if we are to contemplate what the police should be for controlling and preventing crime .
12 One can either directly estimate the value of all the final goods and services ( a variant would be to estimate what every branch of production adds to the value of the goods it uses as raw materials ) .
13 In their view , the media should be firmly subordinated to the state and its primary function should be to encourage whatever the state defines as ‘ good ’ — whether that be national consciousness and personal self-discipline , or socialist egalitarianism , or a relentless drive towards modernization and economic development .
14 Fun as it might be to imagine what a ‘ top twenty ’ list might include , there would be little real purpose in discussing the practicalities , or otherwise , of going on a cruise , owning a race horse , buying a caravan , flying Concorde or whatever , since not only — even among married couples — would there be wide variations in choice but more particularly , since normal budget wisdom does not apply , any advice would risk being grossly misleading .
15 Your goal should be to exert yourself a little more each time until you reach a brisk pace and you feel comfortable with it .
16 To make the assumption that JustText was only capable of producing text would be to do it a grave disservice .
17 Anne is abroad at the moment , doing some research , but she left a message with someone that I 'm to give her a ring when she gets back .
18 But I would not make this a necessary condition when designing a border , since to do so would be to deny oneself the pleasure of many first-rate foliage plants .
19 They confirmed that Laura 's best hope of life would be to give her a new bowel , stomach , pancreas , liver and kidneys .
20 Her father 's loving- ( or lying- ) competition , designed though it may be to give her the best part of England ( which he is also giving himself , of course , since he intends to live in retirement with her ) , and revealing , in a way , his love for her , is nevertheless so constructed that she would have to compete with hypocrisy in order to win .
21 The honourable thing would be to give her the house .
22 To read these words as ‘ held in any other computer ’ , as the trial judge had done , would be to give them a meaning quite different from their plain and natural meaning .
23 To read those words in that way , in our judgment , would be to give them a meaning quite different from their plain and natural meaning .
24 ‘ My reward will be to give them the final yellow jersey in Manchester . ’
25 A long-term , good investment would be to give him a separate building in which to tell the tale of twentieth-century art before the twentieth century is quite at an end .
26 The point I 'm making however , is that a , a fairer way to judge this book , might be to say , not well let , let's reject everything in it that 's Lamarckian , cos it does n't fit with our modern prejudices , a fairer way , might be to read it the way we read Darwin 's works , where there is also considerable Lamarckenis Lamarckism , and say well , this is er , this is an understandable error , given the poor state of knowledge that people had about genetics at the time , and then try and make sense of it .
27 I , I would totally support the move that you 're suggesting Mr Chairman , if we are asked to provide another one percent or whatever can be done , erm , I would suggest that the obvious way to get that money would be to offer them the ten thousand that we agreed to spend this morning .
28 An initial reaction by the Highlander staff to an approach from a new community group may be to show them a video made by another similar community group about their own activities , then possibly video the reactions of the new group to what they have seen .
29 Probably the answer would be to make it a No Entry .
30 If you were to serve yourself an average helping of cabbage , though , it would usually weigh at least two ounces if you were eating it raw as part of a portion of coleslaw , for example , or four ounces if you were serving boiled cabbage .
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