Example sentences of "be [conj] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without denigrating the work of the Coordinating Team , it is the evaluators ' belief that decisions will be made on better grounds than they have been if something like this proposal becomes a reality .
2 I think its very significant , here we are and lots of people have admitted to being a victim of crime but statistics show that twenty five per cent of women will be assaulted within a relationship and yet no women here has said that and that 's probably because the women who have been so assaulted feels somehow it is their own fault , its somehow shameful .
3 ‘ You have made me great with your love , though I am but one among the many , drifting in the common tide , rocking in the fluctuant favour of the world .
4 This means that bureaucratic actors are but one among a plurality of forces maintaining the growth of government rather than primary cause of its growth .
5 Er er and there are i implications for you in as much that my simplistic idea would be that everything in terms of a subject would be on a separate sheet so that
6 The feeling seems to be that none of their players are on steroids and until requested to do so they will assume innocence .
7 It may be that none of these incidents , taken by itself , would be very significant , but the cumulative effect of them supports the view that the plaintiff and her husband subordinated their own interests to the wishes of the deceased … the plaintiff 's acts went well beyond what was called for by natural love and affection for someone to whom she had no blood relationship , and both she and her husband made it very clear in their evidence that there was no great love and affection between her husband and the deceased , and that he was only willing to pay for meals that the plaintiff provided for the deceased and to work as he did in the garden of the cottage because of the expectation that the deceased 's estate would in due course pass to the plaintiff .
8 Well maybe as me dad was saying , conservatives erm sh should be and everything but
9 Such a sum would be as nothing to his father , he knew , but to others it was a fortune .
10 He knew he was disappointing where the riding was concerned , although no one had actually told him so — the whole business of being as one with the animal he rode seemed to elude him .
11 There is now plenty of choice for the investor who knows what he or she wants to invest in , but there is still something of a vacuum for investors with less than £50,000 which they want to put into shares directly .
12 For the reading parent there is now plenty of help .
13 The bigger point is that nothing in Poland is static any longer .
14 my Lord er , to only just final conclusions my Lord the first conclusion is that nothing in community law , nothing in the directives in the insurance companies act can be pointed to by which grants powers to them to regulate the insurance markets .
15 The trouble with the menopause is that everyone around the woman going through it suffers too .
16 The whole idea of this experiment , as I see it , is that everyone in it is going to decide , and carry out , much of what is now decided by experts and provided by big organisations .
17 The trouble about that is that nobody in England has ever sounded terribly enthusiastic about the dismemberment of England .
18 ‘ The result is that everybody in the area is delighted . ’
19 As Craig slowly recovers one thing that really upsets his parents is that no-one from the council has bothered to see them about the accident or to ask how craig is :
20 This was because , throughout the work of the founders of Marxism , a central idea is that everything in capitalism is linked to the capitalist relations of production , and that therefore the family under capitalism is a capitalist phenomenon .
21 The problem with this approach is that everything in the current political scene can be redescribed as the first phase of class struggle .
22 Well … the thing to cling to is that everything like this is still decentralised .
23 The bare statistical truth of solvent abuse is that one in four of the children who die from the habit do so the first time they ever sniff glue or lighter fluid .
24 One is that something about the dream itself ( its illogicality perhaps ) makes it difficult to remember , and the other that there is something about the physiological state in which we find ourselves when first woken up that makes remembering difficult .
25 It is that someone among them has taken for himself some of the treasures of the city which were destined for God 's own sanctuary .
26 The most such a multi-modal transport document can attest to is that someone in a position to effect a future ocean shipment is in charge of the cargo and will be responsible for effecting ocean shipment .
27 The pop entryists — whose creed is that anyone with attitude , a masterplan , a nice line in self-salesmanship , can break on through — disqualify themselves From becoming objects of worship .
28 What the advertisement really means is that anyone with an unwanted child can get rid of it , permanently , for fifteen pounds . ’
29 The first thing you learn up in Kisumu is that none of the churches are large enough to hold the large congregations attending Mass .
30 The trouble is that none of the three firms is nearly as Japanese as the owners would like it to be .
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