Example sentences of "be [conj] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The greater the Mercian involvement in south-eastern England , particularly Kent , however attractive control of Kentish resources may have been or however militarily desirable the containment of a possibly unstable local hegemony , the more vulnerable was Offa 's position in the face of hostile anti-Mercian sentiment south as well as north of the Thames .
2 The criticisms made by the informed opinion of Her Majesty 's Inspectors have been that too often the curriculum is narrow and pedestrian rather than promoting the full development of individuals .
3 How different the world may have been if long ago those missionaries who set out to convert the world to belief in an all-providing benevolent ‘ god ’ , had themselves been aware that the human race , sooner or later , would have to control its rate of procreation , for the world can never provide for unlimited human life .
4 Mr Smith said : ‘ However well intentioned the reform may have been and however well it may work in schools sufficiently funded for it to work , the fact is too many of its side-effects are visible , malign and damaging and John Patten must have at the very top of his agenda an urgent review . ’
5 I have been and still am ( tho' I do n't want any of your assistance ) Your very humble servant . ’
6 Let it not be spoke by of the system that during the period of as for exercise it was nice cold weather a public warning had been and so far this uses the same apartment every evening at prayer time and there selfish mind work a general publication for boys contain a special clause by authority of the board in which they repeatedly made good , virtuous , protected , obedient as regarded to a the powers of wickedness as an article direct from
7 Firstly , a young horse may not have formed a habit of accepting things as they are and automatically always behaving in the same way .
8 Talk to her in your best , professorial manner , make her think how nice and kind you are and then gently ever so gently — put your hand up her skirt ? ’
9 Thus , with the help of a dummy variable t' for clarity , a nonperiodic signal may be represented by Now the pulsatances of the nth and ( n + 1 ) th harmonics are and so Hence or where , dropping the primes , since they are no longer necessary for clarity , The function G ( ο); giving the amplitude distribution in the equivalent continuous spectrum of the nonperiodic function F(t) is said to be the Fourier transform of F(t).
10 You know there we are the , the marketing communication P R people whatever we are and so therefore if that organization we worked for gets published in the media , positive company
11 The expenses and toils of a long war are but too just an excuse that the thought of a new library were not part of the public cares .
12 It remains to be seen whether this suggestion will become law , but the only really confident prediction must be that so long as capitalism remains , trusts will continue to change and develop so as to meet changes in social conditions and the tax structure .
13 It may be that under more natural conditions their effect on men would be very different .
14 Their problem seems to be that very often they appear content to conclude the negotiating process before a satisfactory outcome has been achieved .
15 It could be and then again could n't be shingles .
16 The board ( the managing partners ) makes the decisions about who should be admitted to the partnership , who removed , what their share should be and so on , but there is complex mutual control over this group .
17 There 's no need for them to be but there again it 's a desperate situation That 's it .
18 person you might like to be but actually unfortunately are n't .
19 One of the reasons for her unpopularity could be because right now she — and only she — has the full confidence of Kurt Cobain , the man without whom Nirvana ca n't function .
20 ( 3 ) The tenant should try to insert reference to the tenant being construed to be : the tenant for the time being or better still : while this Lease shall be vested in the Tenant This is to obviate the remote possibility of an argument as to whether the bankruptcy or liquidation of the original tenant ( after an assignment ) who will presumably still be within the definition of " the Tenant " could affect the re-entry provisions contained in the lease .
21 I have schoolteacher friends , and we were talking about the impact of all this on our children ; that they are becoming even more radical than we were and unavoidably so .
22 Because British crowns were and happily still are used they have continued to respond to changed circumstances .
23 The same critical and questioning attitude which was forming the new approach to the Bible was at the same time stimulating scientific study and experiment and discovering the regularities in the natural order — what were and commonly still are called ‘ the laws of nature ’ .
24 And first I want to discuss this idea of hopeful monsters , which is a phrase which goes back to Richard Goldsmith , the geneticist , who argued that occasionally a single — well he was vague about what kind of mutation he had in mind , because he had really rather odd ideas about what genes were and so on but he held occasionally that some genetic change gave rise in some sense in a single dialectical leap to organisms strikingly different from their parents and that speciation consisted of the establishment of such hopeful monsters or macro mutations .
25 All this reflected a recognition at the highest political level that the country 's foreign relations must include , at least for the time being and probably permanently , an unprecedented effort to shape and direct opinion abroad .
26 The French kings were as yet too weak to use the arrière-ban , if they had wished to , save in quite exceptional circumstances , as in 1124 .
27 This time the transfer function is or Hence Now there is zero transmission when and with maximum transmission amounting to when .
28 ‘ Oh aah , it be that all right m'dear , you 'm grow leaves if you drink enough of it . ’
29 If it 's that long ago .
30 One possible reason for this is that both forward and spot rates may be strongly time-trended .
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