Example sentences of "be [conj] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Let it not be spoke by of the system that during the period of as for exercise it was nice cold weather a public warning had been and so far this uses the same apartment every evening at prayer time and there selfish mind work a general publication for boys contain a special clause by authority of the board in which they repeatedly made good , virtuous , protected , obedient as regarded to a the powers of wickedness as an article direct from
2 Thus , with the help of a dummy variable t' for clarity , a nonperiodic signal may be represented by Now the pulsatances of the nth and ( n + 1 ) th harmonics are and so Hence or where , dropping the primes , since they are no longer necessary for clarity , The function G ( ο); giving the amplitude distribution in the equivalent continuous spectrum of the nonperiodic function F(t) is said to be the Fourier transform of F(t).
3 You know there we are the , the marketing communication P R people whatever we are and so therefore if that organization we worked for gets published in the media , positive company
4 It remains to be seen whether this suggestion will become law , but the only really confident prediction must be that so long as capitalism remains , trusts will continue to change and develop so as to meet changes in social conditions and the tax structure .
5 The board ( the managing partners ) makes the decisions about who should be admitted to the partnership , who removed , what their share should be and so on , but there is complex mutual control over this group .
6 And first I want to discuss this idea of hopeful monsters , which is a phrase which goes back to Richard Goldsmith , the geneticist , who argued that occasionally a single — well he was vague about what kind of mutation he had in mind , because he had really rather odd ideas about what genes were and so on but he held occasionally that some genetic change gave rise in some sense in a single dialectical leap to organisms strikingly different from their parents and that speciation consisted of the establishment of such hopeful monsters or macro mutations .
7 What is serious about so much school work generally is that so frequently it seems to fail to have any deep effect on life outside the classroom .
8 To quote , ‘ The result — and this is the essential point — is that so far as regulation through allosteric interaction is concerned , everything is possible . ’
9 The main problem is that so far the central battle seems unevenly pitched .
10 Indeed , if there is one conclusion that can be drawn from the first year 's experience of audit regulation , it is that so far there is insufficient evidence to judge the quality of the service registered auditors provide .
11 I suppose the difficulty about us is that so far as money and possessions are concerned we 're at a more primitive stage than the rest .
12 I mean all I , I would like to , to say is that so far as this particular road , whatever you may call it , er is concerned , that we look at highways priorities in this committee and that we would receive an assurance that this would not be bulldozed through , if I may put it that way , erm and opposed to one two three four other major schemes which are perhaps of more importance in terms of highways rather than er a , a corporate objective .
13 The most important feature is that so far as human hearing 's concerned , each increase of ten decibels , the loudness of the sound doubles .
14 What we were saying is that so long as those with parental responsibilities consent to J. being treated by the medical staff of the health authority , he must be treated in accordance with their clinical judgment .
15 The drawback of employment in central and local government , to some minds , is that so often you fail to see any outcome to your work .
16 The problem I think comes when you go when you become insolvent , you know , and I think that 's and so therefore unless we 're going to come up with some system where we do insure our pensions as we do our home , then you , you , you 're still back to the basic contract between a company and an individual .
17 The computer people will want to know how the software will fit in with their portfolio of software , whether it will require additional computer equipment , how well it will be maintained , how portable it is and so on .
18 Now assuming he knows what four times two is and assuming he knows what two plus one is and so on , he may come up with the answer ‘ Nine ’ , or he may come up with the answer ‘ Twelve ’ , and they 're both right .
19 The reason I 'd put pu pupil comment where it is , is because so far as I was concerned the top half of that I was gon na , was gon na be filled in by staff it is a report .
20 What made this all the more piquant was that so far from being free , the holiday was in fact bankrupting me .
21 But he was younger than she was and so very much not the type of person she was used to meeting .
22 ‘ I know , like how big his cock was and so on .
23 The artist had fussed around while the thing was being loaded on my ship , babbling about how important it was and how delicate it was and so on , until I 'd just stopped listening .
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