Example sentences of "be [art] [adj] party " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the main instrument of power has been the Communist Party , with the security forces playing only a marginal role and dealing with especially deviant cases . ’
2 Niall might be free as far as the law was concerned , but he had been the injured party , the one left to pick up the pieces when the woman he must have loved walked out .
3 He had been the injured party when his marriage broke up and , in spite of everything , it was all too clear that he still retained strong feelings for the woman he had married .
4 The situation was different , because the Conservatives had then been the largest party , whereas they were now 26 seats behind the Labour Party .
5 Second , if the Liberals and Social Democrats had been able to squeeze a few more votes from Labour supporters , then it could well have been the Labour Party that finished up with just a few seats in parliament out of all proportion to votes cast .
6 But he has been the Labour Party 's chosen candidate for almost two years and in that time he has worked hard to build up a high profile , assiduously interpreting official figures on unemployment , training and hospital waiting lists as well as taking on directors of newly-privatised monopolies .
7 The National Assembly was dissolved , and Cape Verde members withdrew from the single party , the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde ( Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde — PAIGC ) , which until then had been the ruling party in both countries .
8 The Botswana Democratic Party ( BDP , Quett K. J. Masire l. ) , has been the ruling party since independence .
9 The Conservatives now have six representatives on the local council , where they are the largest party , and desperately need a victory in North Down on Thursday to establish themselves in the province .
10 The Liberal Democrats are the only party to offer the Bank the carrot of political independence , and might have hoped for more of an endorsement from Threadneedle Street .
11 So the Tories are the only party left unequivocally defending the Union .
12 The Conservatives are the only party who recognise both the opportunities and the threats of the new world .
13 We are the only party unambiguously committed to the preservation and modernisation of our independent nuclear deterrent .
14 We are the only party that understands the need for low taxation .
15 It is clear that we have not only substantially increased expenditure on the national health service but that we are the only party proposing credible reforms , the results of which are already showing .
16 Indeed , we are the only party to have made the financial provision to ensure that that happens .
17 At present , we are the only party prepared to grasp the nettle and to recognise that consumers ' interests require both effective competition in the marketplace — the Government have a long way to go before they create that — and effective regulation where the market can not produce a solution .
18 A phrase from the Conservative 's manifesto last year , we are the only party that understands the need for low taxation , has now returned to haunt them , for an MP in a marginal constituency this evokes the electoral ghost of George Bush , so he firmly rules out increases in income tax , but would n't mind putting V A T on newspapers and books .
19 We are the only Party who believe that every family has the right to their own home .
20 He says the LibDems are the only party offering a real change and is stressing education , environment and , of course , fair votes , as key issues .
21 By ordering the fourth Trident submarine , the Conservatives show they are the only party to be trusted with defending Britain .
22 We are the tax-cutting party ; Labour is the tax-increasing party .
23 Kurdish opposition groups : the two main Kurdish opposition guerrilla groups are the Democratic Party of Kurdistan ( Masoud Barzani l. ) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ( Jalal Talabani l . ) .
24 If the C of E used to be the Tory Party at prayer ( and is now the Democrats ) , the Methodists are the Labour Party at prayer .
25 I 'm not gon na go over t what my colleague has said but what I do wan na know is when are the Labour Party gon na get hold of some issue and make some sort of mileage out of it , because we 've got a number of sponsored MPs and we ca n't get 'em off the doorstep at election time , but when it comes about doing summat for us and consider the fact that it affects many many people and we talk about the links that the Labour Party and the trade union has , I think the Labour Party 's already severed 'em , as far as I 'm concerned .
26 We are the Labour Party .
27 Comrades , it 's time that this union , along with other trade unions , made it absolutely clear to the Labour leadership , we are the Labour Party , it is us that gives resources , our time , our money , everything to try and get them elected and it 's time they stopped kicking us in the teeth at times such as this .
28 Over one of Doug 's 8oz breakfast steaks , Stanley Ricketts , a black-cab driver for 33 years , says : ‘ The Conservatives are the natural party for the trade .
29 In the Shadow Cabinet and on the National Executive , Smith now has people who recognise their real opponents are the Tory Party , not the people sitting around the same table .
30 Mr Chalmers said in Glasgow : ‘ The only political parties who are not prepared to sit down and talk about the recall of a Scottish parliament are the Tory party and the Labour Party .
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