Example sentences of "be [prep] the [prep] " in BNC.

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1 have we been through the of this group ?
2 There you are for the for the ring .
3 Turning left back along the Duomo 's side , you are between the outside of the northern transept and La Rinascente , a modern shopping area built in 1950 to replace one destroyed during World War II .
4 They 're in the in the Sherwood area for our constituency are n't they ?
5 We 're on the to are n't we ?
6 Well there seems to be a slight mismatch there , and perhaps some of this mismatch is also a part of , with the confusion I have of the various shifting policy of York , in term in terms of their requirement , there has been in the in the not too recent recent past York were saying they had an additional requirement beyond need which they termed their concealed requirement , although it might not be a concealed dwellings , as we might otherwise describe them , of one thousand six hundred , and that has progressively come down to seven hundred as presented at this enquiry .
7 And er so I mean it 's you know , I am a politician I mean you know , it 's in the blood I 've b been in the in the House of Commons now for about a quarter of a century .
8 Alpha , Beta , and Epsilon ( 4.4 ) are in the × 7 field with Beta Carinæ .
9 And would these be with the with the idea of teaching you almost like a trade , you know sort ?
10 We therefore , sir , have before us today to consider these two sites , D thirty nine and D forty , in the context of the relevant and duly-made objections that have been made , and they are the simple question is , should these sites be in the within the greenbelt or within the inset .
11 the DC must not be in the In Approval or Approved state .
12 So Bob 's gon na be in the in trouble .
13 They must be in the in the washer .
14 But but equally it may it may be in the in the fullness of time that that we would be able to identify or bring a site forward through the local plan process and we 're not at that stage at the moment .
15 This permits the ring to move down on the line under greater tension , and up on the opposite side which would be on the outside of a turn .
16 From now on he would be on the outside of such domesticity , looking in .
17 Proper audit er is the effective way er to detect fraud and that needs to be at the at the er the re requirement er er that we impose er on and I , as I pointed out er at the moment the auditors themselves are not being effectively er regulated .
18 How could it be that the cells that will form the gut and the bones and muscles are on the outside of the early embryo , yet they will form structures that are clearly on the inside of the animal ?
19 They had been on the for quite a
20 Kenneth Baker , replaced by Chris Patten as Tory chairman , has been on the outside of the campaign .
21 The inner door has a large mosquito net , although I did feel the mesh should have been on the outside of the door flap so you could keep bugs out .
22 When me and Frank were in the in Lo in London we got about fifty of these bloody E mail catalogue come in the same address .
23 This is what it is like being on the outside of a murder case , thought Gabriel .
24 Now would you , I think it must be right that you were at the at five fifteen in the morning conducted by Sergeant .
25 We are at the at where Shrewsbury Town of the third division lead premiership Blackburn by three goals to two , but Blackburn now moving forward , getting it across , it breaks back to drives it in low and left footed and that one is off the target , a shot driven in from twenty five yards by , not finding the goal .
26 It 's been fairly blustery the odd day but there 's frost and especially the snow that they 've had down further south it seems to be helping us up here I would say and it 's with the with the land work especially got the slurry and stuff of that kind .
27 One Hundred Children sung there by Foster and Allen er by Mick and Tony our guests this afternoon and that 's from the By Request C D and the By Request video went number one this morning .
28 I mean as long as we 've got something which is in the of where we want to be , we can actually measure how well we 're performing against our own plan , which I think is what you 'd like to be able to do .
29 Would you be minded to move move the Richmondshire figure back to where it is in the at least in the
30 Yes well his widow is in the in the house opposite to Mrs there .
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