Example sentences of "be [prep] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 By the time he had been through that and was ready to return , Jennifer had been married and divorced and was almost a stranger again .
2 In November , he warned that if the likes of IBM and DEC did n't implement drastic measures they 'd go through ‘ Holy Heck ’ — DG has been through that and if the company is confident about one thing , it is that the worst is over .
3 I do n't make any apologies for that , and maybe it is going over the old ground , but unless we do it , unless we try to do it , if we 've done it the way before been and it has n't produced what we , what we want , then surely it 's not for us to sit back and say , ‘ Well , it 's been through that and it has n't worked ’ , surely we ought to try again , and that 's what I hope to be doing , sort of value your support and see you .
4 Sacha Bull is 4 weeks old , but she 's already been through more than most people experience in a lifetime .
5 We know how tough it has been for many but we are poised to move forward again , lacking only the spark of confidence with which a Conservative victory would ignite recovery .
6 This time tomorrow it would be all over , and part of history ; the victors would be celebrating , the losers complaining that had it not been for this and that , they would have won , and the course of history would have been different .
7 This is the most upbeat I have been for more than a year . ’
8 There were no sounds of any kind coming from Alina 's bedroom , and had n't been for more than an hour .
9 Kelly said : ‘ It 's not right that the end of year events are worth more than the early season classics just because the interest has got to be maintained to the finish . ’
10 ‘ Some things are worth more than money . ’
11 You are worth more than the birds !
12 But when , as his friend and director Mike Nichols asserts , an actor has inscribed upon popular history a character who has influenced the modern male personality , as did Henry Fonda , James Cagney , Spencer Tracy and Humphrey Bogart , his personal idiosyncrasies are worth more than a cursory glance .
13 The most casual obscenities , the most hackneyed endearments , coming to me from your rose-red lips , are worth more than the sagest advice of all the old men in the world .
14 Surely polymeric surfactants , which are becoming increasingly important as dispersing agents , are worth more than the three pages devoted to them here .
15 Smith 's job is to make people see he could care less , can do something about Britain 's problems and that his words are worth more than those of Johnny Devaluation .
16 And make sure your insurance company knows about any specific items , like valuable antiques , that are worth more than the insurance limit they may have set .
17 The idea is that the bidder must think that the shares in the company are worth more than the bid price , for example , because under the bidder 's control the company will be operated more efficiently , otherwise the bid would not be made .
18 If this failed , words were assigned weights on an inverse term frequency basis ( uncommon words are worth more than common words ) , and the system would look for records containing just some of the words of the search .
19 Add up the value of your home , car , shares and belongings and you may well find you are worth more than the current threshold .
20 Looking after your Capital — many people are worth more than they think .
21 But there is something of a tension in Mill 's view , because he thinks that erm it 's very important that if there is plural voting then the people who only have one vote should be prepared to accept the situation , so that the reasons why these people are given extra votes should be reasoned that the public , the uneducated accept past critics have pointed out if that 's going to be the case , why is it necessary to give these people extra votes , give the educated actual votes , because if the uneducated accept that the decisions of the educated are worth more than their own decisions , the opinions of the educated are worth more than the opinions of the uneducated , if they really do accept that , what 's to stop them just following the decisions of the educated in their own vote ?
22 But there is something of a tension in Mill 's view , because he thinks that erm it 's very important that if there is plural voting then the people who only have one vote should be prepared to accept the situation , so that the reasons why these people are given extra votes should be reasoned that the public , the uneducated accept past critics have pointed out if that 's going to be the case , why is it necessary to give these people extra votes , give the educated actual votes , because if the uneducated accept that the decisions of the educated are worth more than their own decisions , the opinions of the educated are worth more than the opinions of the uneducated , if they really do accept that , what 's to stop them just following the decisions of the educated in their own vote ?
23 On performances I personally think we are worth more than the 2 pts per game average .
24 ( b ) the attractions of the target to the offeror ( eg asset value , economies of scale , future performance , pension scene surplus etc ) may be such that , in its eyes , the target 's shares are worth more than their market price ;
25 Since Gladstone 's day , governments have accepted that literacy , learning and literature are worth more than the revenue from a tax on the product .
26 A character with Metallurgy will know of the adulteration , one with Numismatics will know the coins are worth less than face value .
27 None of your navel-lint , tit-licking pen-fuckers so infatuated with the twitchings of the ego they remain sublimely indifferent to the obscene fact that their words are worth less than the flies tormenting the eyelids of an African child .
28 This is less important than in a share sale where the difficulty of the purchaser , without an express damage statement , is to show that the shares are worth less than the purchaser paid for them , as a reduction in the assets or increase in the liabilities does not necessarily reduce the price of the shares .
29 Clearly , the divisions among this group of short-term markets will be even less watertight than they are between these and the capital markets .
30 But the Conservative record has been about more than increasing spending .
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