Example sentences of "be [verb] more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tracey Hall of Style Academy said she had been seeing more males looking for jobs .
2 Some factors are given more importance than others by risk analysts .
3 If we decide that this traditional strophic form does not suit our needs , we have the more difficult alternative of a looser form , in which the words are given more importance , while the music , intensifying their meaning and emotion , may fall into a supporting role .
4 Sometimes , as when a plate of a fossil shows its matrix in detail , or that of a fish shows the river where it was caught , we are given more information than we needed — though such details may help to balance the tone of the plate and thus have an aesthetic function .
5 Black pupils are given more attention by teachers only in terms of discipline and punishment .
6 Finally , check with your airline , airport or travel agent regarding check-in times — some airlines are allowing more time for extra security searches
7 The information may become inconsistent , and even if this is carefully watched , the two structures are using more memory than is really necessary , due to the duplication .
8 True , the next task is to stop growth itself damaging the environment — Thailand 's farmers are using more chemicals than before , for example .
9 We are producing more goods in our factories of better quality than ever before , how can there yet be a recession ?
10 EC firms are producing more output overseas , while Japanese-owned firms are expanding R&D inside the Community .
11 An understanding of the processes involved in ‘ choice ’ and participation is essential if we are to include more girls , and members of other disadvantaged groups , and alienate fewer .
12 Now schools are forecasting more job losses as £7m comes off the education budget .
13 At lower levels , too , cost-centre managers have been given more flexibility with personnel management providing a greater link between performance and promotion ( Thorpe
14 Critical discourse might have been given more space , especially in the context of the brief discussion of " canon " , but it is well handled in the earlier volume by Durant and Fabb , so can be picked up again in a course which focuses more clearly on literary texts using that book .
15 He says Gloucestershire County Council has been given more money .
16 With hindsight this final point should have been given more significance from the start .
17 Anyway , as I have been given more recognition and opportunity to draw to my strengths under your editorship , I would like to express my appreciation and thanks for giving me a ‘ go ’ .
18 ‘ It 's nothing to do with whether I 'm good , whether I 'm lucky enough to have been given more talent than you , the rest of you … ’
19 THE mercy death doctor has been given more time to consider his future .
20 However , if hon. Members had been given more time to study these complicated regulations , more of them might have realised how adversely they affect some of their constituents and would have made it their business to be here .
21 His wish had been granted , but he had only been given more time to experience cruel and unabated pain .
22 Since publication , Alan has been given more information on this illustrious unit and has been kept busy updating his files .
23 that people can make their o , they have a balanced education which allows them then to make their own choices about , that things are n't over , I mean if we 've lived in a patriarchal society in which men are in power and that kin , and male sexuality maybe has come through more in sex education , those have been the issues that have been co , ha have been given more importance and female issues have maybe been neglected a little bit and now erm , with Aids as a problem we do n't want to turn out and suddenly become really homo homophobic or really , you know , right condoms , condoms , it has to be you know , you need to kind of keep the balance so that people are given the information and then have the freedom to make the choice themselves .
24 It sounds as though you 've been using more conditioner than your hair needs .
25 To the left of the sash window and to the far right of the plate are stacked more coffin boards , probably of elm or oak , whilst the four half-lids are templates , as is the kerf-guide on the wall to the left of the chimney-breast .
26 For example , patients in some other age groups such as the under 5s and the middle aged receive a disproportionate number of prescriptions and in general women are prescribed more items than men .
27 CRIME-HIT small firms are demanding more powers for the police and courts today after a survey found that almost 50pc of them have been victims of some sort of crime .
28 Apple says A/UX customers are demanding more CPU performance and will be able to get it through PowerPC .
29 Our survey found that while parents are demanding more control over schools , enthusiasm diminishes when asked to give up time to become governors or attend parent teachers events .
30 In return for BA being able to increase its 25% stake in USAir , American carriers are demanding more access to British airports — especially BA 's fortress at Heathrow .
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