Example sentences of "be [verb] in time " in BNC.

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1 To ensure that developments are completed in time , the LDDC grants building licences to developers but retains the title to the site .
2 Community studies , like all social research , are limited in time .
3 Peake has been registered in time for tomorrow 's home game against Preston North End . ’
4 The group hope to leave Britain on February 20 if the necessary visas are received in time .
5 Here the needing and the daring are situated in time as realities , and as such they must necessarily be conceived as occupying a before-position with respect to do and turn , as a need calling for action and an exercising of audacity leading to the achieving of a result .
6 I met R. D. Case afterwards — he was on the Westminster Gazette at that time — and he told me that Stanford was so drunk that he 'd almost fallen into the gravel Apparently he 'd just been caught in time by George Watson-Forbes , who later wrote a remarkable series of articles in the Daily News on the Home Rule question . ’
7 As though the moment of passion had been frozen in time .
8 The decision in the case of Jean Sorelle Ltd v Rybak ( [ 1991 ] IRLR 153 ( EAT ) ) had decided that where an applicant acts on the advice of a member of the IT staff , it was open to an IT to hold that it was not reasonably practicable for the claim to have been presented in time .
9 Futures and forward contracts have the common feature that the agreement to transact and the transaction itself are separated in time : both payment and delivery are made in future , unlike in the spot market where the the agreement is simultaneous with the exchange .
10 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
11 The following Spring , a still shaken Khrushchev called a group of writers to his dacha outside Moscow and told them that the Hungarian rising could have been avoided if a few writers had been shot in time .
12 erm employed people have a regular activity erm on a daily basis , and that activity is carried out with a time structure , so that the hours of the day are different from each other , the days of the week are marked out as being different from each other , the weeks are marked out by being different from each other as well , and also you 're situated in time in a different way — you 're on some sort of career , you can see some way in which your life is progressing .
13 Within a medieval siege tent you are transported in time to the castle keep ; the lights dim and the 1066 Story begins … projected images , lighting , multi-track sound and even an appearance by King Harold and William the Conqueror !
14 It went against the grain with Hotspur to let such an illustrious company move south unchallenged into England , merely because they had not been intercepted in time to confront them on reasonably equal terms .
15 Fortunately the alarm has been sounded in time for many of the province 's historic buildings .
16 They can be reliably dug out again only by averaging over many presentations so that the random background fluctuations cancel each other out , leaving just the potential shifts that are linked in time to the triggering event .
17 The declaration draws attention to faster than expected world population growth and the accelerating pace of environmental decay , and concludes : " Sustainable development can be achieved , but only if irreversible degradation of the environment can be halted in time .
18 This negative bias entails however that in the speaker 's eyes there are no real reasons which can be conceived as occupying the before-position which a reason normally occupies with respect to the action it calls for ; and since there is consequently nothing which can be situated in time before this action , the meaning of to does not apply in this use .
19 Indeed , for all cases where the to infinitive evokes " subsequent potentiality " the support is necessarily seen or implied to be situated in time prior to the event .
20 Alice 's heart seemed to be thumping in time with the train wheels as she looked at Harry 's glowing face opposite her .
21 However , the rest of the work will not be completed in time for the season , which will make life running a heavily-booked programme of events difficult .
22 Key to this stage of planning is the acceptance ( once again ) that there must be some time limits given to each ‘ activity ’ , or the whole project will become lopsided and wo n't be completed in time .
23 The implementation of measures 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 depend upon action by both the profession and the Government , but we believe the necessary steps can be completed in time for implementation in April 1993 .
24 John Hart , Assistant Director ( Curriculum ) comments : ‘ Aspects of two major areas of review will be completed in time for the next Catalogue .
25 This could debar over one-third of the population from voting , since , according to the current regulations , only citizens of pre-war Estonia and their descendants were automatically entitled to citizenship , and the long application process for others would not be completed in time .
26 There is some doubt as to whether the processes of investigation and legislation will be completed in time for the 1995 revaluation .
27 A year-long project to update the library at Darlington College of Technology should be completed in time for the new school year in September .
28 If seismic mapping of the new reservoir can be completed in time , BP may send a rig to drill more wells there this summer to establish the production potential for the field , which is thought to have reserves of 250 million to 500 million barrels .
29 He 'll tip us off when he knows where and when the hit is due to take place so that it can be stopped in time .
30 If they can not be stopped in time , mankind will surely be doomed .
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