Example sentences of "be [verb] in by " in BNC.

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1 The pool in their own garden had been filled in by her father five years before when her baby brother had drowned there ; but she loved to sit by cool water , inured to the stinging flies which gave people from the north so much trouble .
2 He looked like a man who had just found that his tax returns had been filled in by Ken Dodd 's accountant , or that Kitty Kelley was going to write his biography .
3 Important details have been filled in by experiments in channel flow ; transition is promoted by a vibrating ribbon close to one wall whilst flow in the other half of the channel remains undisturbed , so there is close resemblance to a boundary layer .
4 Well tha well oh well that 's alright , it was only that it 'd be I thought you said there was a place for your name and address that had n't been filled in by the computer so you filled it in ?
5 In SAS style officers from the Royal Ulster Constabulary bomb disposal squad are flown in by helicopter .
6 Bits of some letters are lost ; the strokes of others become uneven ; spaces are filled in by toner , making an e , say , indistinguishable from an o .
7 Other details of this allegedly gentle pre-war street life are filled in by the writings of youth club workers — Butterworth 's Clubland ( 1932 ) , Hatton 's London 's Bad Boys ( 1931 ) and Secretan 's London Below Bridges ( 1931 ) — which are teeming with rowdy incident , outbreaks of hooliganism , shoplifting sprees , youngsters terrorising old ladies , foul language , youth club riots and vandalism .
8 Leading Tory Lady Olga Maitland had been pencilled in by the South Belfast Conservative Association to go on the hustings with candidates last weekend .
9 One interviewer wrote that it sounds like it 's been squatted in by thirteen separate Puerto Rican junkie families with tubercular in-laws and half a dozen barking dogs .
10 Once a shoal of respectable dace are attracted in by your feeding , the sprats and minnows will be shouldered out .
11 The beautiful Thamesside setting of the Cottons Centre , where CCG run customer catering for Citibank , was put to the test this summer with an exclusive dinner for 15 chairmen and chief executives , who have been booked in by a public relations consultancy .
12 Perhaps they had been staved in by a bath chair which had run amok !
13 ‘ But we are a bit concerned that they have been barricaded in by the Coal Board , so even if they want to , they can not get out .
14 A Middle East dollar market exists in Bahrain where euro-dollars ( and other currencies ) are intermediated in by a number of Arab and non-Arab banks .
15 After a while Strawberry ended by saying , " We 're nearly at the great burrow now , but we 're corning in by a different way . "
16 Some stalls are closed in by bars at the back , some are open-ended .
17 He 'd just been shown in by a messenger , and the moment the uniformed official had withdrawn , had expressed surprise and displeasure at finding her to be his interviewer .
18 Transparent hues predominate , while the edges are drawn in by both scraping back to the white ground and by applying dark lines with a gutta nib , a method also used with the watercolour .
19 By undertaking extravagant adventures aimed at preserving lives which have clearly been called in by the Great Reaper , doctors are not serving the best interests of their clients , which is I take it , their first duty .
20 I am an accountant , I have been called in by the bank , and my duty is to the bank .
21 Meanwhile Hartlepool Labour candidate Peter Mandelson has been called in by trainees from Billingham 's Astra Training Centre .
22 Quite often ( but not always ) such cases are called in by the Secretary of State even where the planning authority is minded to grant consent , in order to allow interested groups a chance to air their views ; so it can all take a long time .
23 The major hazards will come from aerosols containing microbes that are breathed in by workers in biotechnology factories .
24 Some bureaux have been invited in by the probation or education departments or by the prison governor .
25 Iraq pushes its forces into Kuwait and swiftly gains control of the country , claiming to have been invited in by Kuwaiti revolutionaries .
26 I 've been dragged in by the Old Bill twice and your pet grizzly bear Nevil is making life very uncomfortable for people I know .
27 George Dinsdale , stationed at Redcar , said the man , known only as a Mr Kirwan of Lumley Street , Redcar , jumped into the water near a slipway to rescue a youth who had been dragged in by a huge wave .
28 Agricultural details were a nice reciprocal touch : the Hind helicopters , with which the Sandinistas were destroying the contras , had allegedly been shipped in by the Russians in crates labelled agricultural produce .
29 ‘ Of course at first I just thought it was someone from a boat that had been driven in by the weather .
30 He moved rapidly down-river to Rouen where a number of merchant vessels had been driven in by the exceptional tide , and requisitioned twenty-eight boats .
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