Example sentences of "be [verb] such an " in BNC.

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1 She was beginning to attract attention in dramatic roles but had never been given such an opportunity for anguished emotion , and she rose to it whole-heartedly .
2 US negotiators had been seeking such an agreement since shortly after Endara 's government was installed following the overthrow of the Noriega regime by US military intervention in December 1989 .
3 The other reason for looking for an approximate solution is that once it has been found such an approximate solution can then be worked upon and modified to give a much better solution .
4 Who indeed could have forecast that the Provincial sector would be announcing such an improvement in their financial situation resulting from rapid but targeted investment in new trains , with the prime objective of cost reduction ?
5 It is obvious that , if you can not handle these problems , you are not qualified and therefore , should not be presenting such an enterprise as an independent project . ’
6 From a reading of their own literature , librarians and information scientists might have expected that one area where use of IT would definitely have been recognised to be giving such an advantage to its users is that of the retrieval of publicly available information online .
7 ( b ) Anyone whom he has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be committing such an offence .
8 Gesticulating wildly in a crowded space , so that others are frightened that they might be struck by the defendant , is not punishable unless it can be shown that the defendant was at least aware that his conduct might be having such an effect .
9 They have enough problems avoiding the stones they are throwing among themselves to be dealt such an additional blow .
10 I may have been being a bit selfish , but I could n't bear to lose him in that way , and he seemed to be making such an effort himself , not ever putting weight on that leg and eating as much as he could .
11 ‘ The expectations may be based upon some statement or undertaking by , or on behalf of , the public authority which has the duty of making the decision , if the authority has , through its officers , acted in a way that would make it unfair or inconsistent with good administration for him to be denied such an inquiry .
12 John Lyons could be taken to be offering such an analysis when he says that the English language is different from other languages in that it ‘ extends ’ the meaning of particular words beyond the culture-specific because of the international demands made on it ( Lyons , 1982 ) .
13 Megill stresses Derrida 's debt to Mallarmé and Nietzsche , two strange masters from the last fin de siècle who are exercising such an influence in our own .
14 The best , Polydor 's Lambada Brazil , consists almost exclusively of Brazilian , not French , lambada stars and includes a couple of tracks by the wonderful Margareth Menezes , who has been making such an impact performing with Byrne .
15 The media are receiving such an informed , dynamic and visually striking group with open arms : from picketing South West Water to protesting in full surf regalia at Parliament , from surfing in gas masks to demonstrating with a huge inflatable turd , the SAS has come up with a series of media-friendly stunts that have caught the headlines .
16 But if there are n't enough staff to meet this approach , the result is a double stress for the nurse who is taught such an approach , but given no opportunity to put it into practice .
17 You could say it is envy , and indeed that is partly true , And I wo n't pretend that a factor in one 's accepting such an invitation is not the thought of spending a week in a grand hotel .
18 The very fact that multimedia is becoming such an intense area of activity today suggests that , at least in the view of hardware and software developers , the technological capability has arrived .
19 When this is the case , a trap is to mistake such an event for the completion of the entire change effort ; instead , it represents only the beginning of the change-management process .
20 Now that lucky Jupiter is making such an exciting connection to your sign , you 'll start to feel you 're really going places .
21 But a £1 billion Eurobond would be the biggest the market has ever had to digest and capital markets experts were yesterday sceptical about how easy it would be for Lloyd 's to make such an issue without hefty costs .
22 It was not , however , merely through political and artistic influences that the impact of the First World War was to provide such an important background influence for British fascism .
23 Or was it the heat of Julius 's body that was having such an odd effect on her ?
24 Love , she very swiftly recognised , was a most tormenting emotion , and briefly her thoughts went to Travis , who was so in love and who was having such an awful time of it .
25 She rang off , happy that the Advent was taking such an interest in Boyd 's directorship , finished her coffee and went to take her morning shower .
26 Harry felt a glow of pleasure — not least because his darling Alice was making such an obvious success of her career .
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