Example sentences of "be [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been weeping at night when I 'm sleeping .
2 The situation is more acute in the rural areas when only 32 per cent of the population aged seven to fourteen years are enrolled at school .
3 Some will carry 300 men , with the baggage , and others 150 horse with their riders ; 150 more are building at Brest , St Malo , Nantes , Port L'Orient , Morlaix and other ports of Brittany .
4 A comparable building complex has also been examined at Godmanchester , built c .
5 So far convoys of humanitarian aid have been stopped at will by the militias and held up for days , if not weeks , despite their protection by armed UN peacekeepers .
6 They were there only because they 'd been stopped at gunpoint from going any farther — by the Turkish army , a key NATO ally of the US and Britain .
7 Hundreds of people are queueing at cinemas across the region to see Hollywood 's new dinosaur blockbuster Jurassic Park .
8 Hundreds of people are queueing at cinemas across the region to see Hollywood 's new dinosaur blockbuster Jurassic Park .
9 And so it came to pass that on Friday 24 April , at 11am our time , 94 ladies and gentleman of the British press are gathered at Stansted Airport inside a privately chartered plane whose previous occupants were Neil Kinnock and the Labour Party election campaign team .
10 The indirect costs of two children over the mother 's lifetime are calculated at £135 000 .
11 By 1932 Gallacher had been joined at Chelsea by his two fellow internationalists Jackson and Cheyne and the three Scots became the focus of an acrimonious dispute about wages , trade unionism and bonus payments .
12 Also , since some children in care are placed at home on trial , this explanation is blatantly false .
13 ‘ As a result they are placed at risk .
14 On it we would have found the names of other distinguished old Summerhillians … unfortunately , Eric has been delayed at Stonehenge , and has not yet got to grips with the design .
15 The budget in the table assumes the cost of sow huts , water and fencing , tractor and trailer have all been amortised at 13% over five years .
16 It had been intended at Vatican I to complement the papal definitions with something much wider , but pressure from Franco-Prussian conflict combined , maybe , with a lack of Roman interest in a larger agenda , prevented anything further from being said .
17 These explanations are treated at length in the work of Fothergill and Gudgin ( 1982 ) and Fothergill , Kitson and Monk ( 1985 ) .
18 Paintings from the last decade of his life have been gathered at Marlborough until 27 April .
19 It is likely that the whole village was deliberately planned , possibly with a revitalised field system , since solskifte , a regulated field system , has now been traced at Wharram Percy .
20 Extensive calcareous flowstone and stalactite deposits are developed at spring discharge points in fractured bituminous limestones and combustion-metamorphosed marbles : the ground water is saturated with calcium hydroxide , with the consequence that calcite and aragonite rapidly precipitate when it comes into contact with atmospheric carbon dioxide .
21 The disgraceful way ordinary , moderate men and women have been sacked at Timex and the way this government cheapened the working man and woman in this country by rejecting the Social Charter and by portraying Britain as a low wage economy .
22 Lads in the first team , while the kids are drawing at places like Sheffield Wednesday , Leeds and Sunderland .
23 It was the third time in three weeks that such ugly scenes had been witnessed at London grounds .
24 It can be concluded therefore that the action project appears to make a difference in terms of the length of time people are sustained at home , but only to a certain type of dementia sufferer , and the numbers affected are likely to be small unless a wide geographical area is covered .
25 She 's the same as we 've all been treated at home
26 The Princess , the hospital 's president , was presented with flowers by Susan Peek , 10 , and Andrew Tedder , 14 , who have been treated at Great Ormond Street .
27 In Southampton it is more than twenty years since we learned that there was a major settlement of foreign merchants quite separate from the walled town ; and Hamwih seemed for a time a town apart from others in Britain — though evidently related to the great semi-urban sprawl which has been excavated at Duurstede near Utrecht .
28 Some of the best preserved buildings have been excavated at Cowdery 's Down and can be arranged sequentially into a minimum of three phases ( Millett 1983 ) .
29 Not surprisingly turquoise has frequently been excavated at sites on the Iranian plateau , notably at Hissar and Yahya .
30 Soil has also been excavated at Pett Level ( to provide material for the sea wall ) , leaving a series of lakes .
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