Example sentences of "be [verb] [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am dumbfounded that Ferguson tells me I could n't have spoken to Edwards , but the person I feel really sorry for is Gary Bull .
2 Moreover , since it came to be accepted by many schools that a pupil could not study these separate subjects at A level unless he or she had already studied them at O level ( although in the 1950s it had been intended that O levels should be ‘ bypassed ’ by those who would study a subject at A level ) the domination of the university faculties began when a pupil was 14 .
3 But investigations into the leaking of sensitive material from Washington had narrowed down to Maclean as chief suspect , and it seems that Burgess was detailed , probably by Philby , who was still in Washington , to warn him and organize his escape , although it does not seem to have been intended that Burgess should go too .
4 It had been recognized that Liberals had been more adept at handling the press because they were more ready to stoop to newspaper practices , as Sandars had reported in 1909 :
5 It has long been recognized that reading can provide young pupils with the chance to develop a general ‘ feel for the language ’ .
6 It has long been recognized that Pausanias gave a Herodotean dress and added some comments of his own to what must ultimately be a third-century B.C. account of the Celtic attack ( O. Regenbogen , P.-W. , s.v .
7 It has also been recognized that Porter may not be correct in supposing that cost-leadership and differentiation policies should always be mutually exclusive .
8 Item twenty as well as twenty six , you are suggesting that meals go up in day centres by fifteen percent , and then on twenty six , we introduce a two pound a week for daycare , for people with learning disabilities .
9 Hence we are suggesting that L for 1986 relative to 1976 might equal
10 At 35 , some folk are suggesting that Hoddle 's too old .
11 In short , although it is an oversimplification , I am suggesting that workers develop solidarity , or a bounded culture and protect their own boundaries as a group in order that their primitive fears can be allayed .
12 ‘ I in no way wish you to think that I am suggesting that delays and loss of documents should be treated lightly , but I would like to put forward the view that it was not within the power of my client to remedy the situation they took over from an authority since re-organised under Section 5c of the Reorganisation of Ancillary Services ( Domestic ) Act .
13 Analysts are forecasting that Zeneca will make taxable profits of about £500 million in the current year , with ICI expected to come in at around £250 million .
14 It had already been arranged that Eric and Daphne Lovell would drive Rose to her destination before going on to their own and would pick her up later for the return trip .
15 It has been calculated that Betty , singled handedly moved a total of 40,500 tonnes .
16 All her life she had been taught that Philip and his kind were aliens in possession of land which they had stolen from its rightful owners .
17 But of course no one has really been suggesting that history has no meaning , for the obvious reason that any interpretation of history as such must ipso facto assert meaning .
18 We have been suggesting that career structures can serve well in the explanation of social behaviour which might otherwise appear to have little rationality .
19 Still less could it have been foreseen that Palestinians and Israelis would find themselves facing one another across a Madrid conference table in the 1991 encounter which provided most of the disappointments predicted by numerous observers at the time , but which may still prove to contain the seeds of a more fruitful sequel in the future .
20 It 's only when the peak has been conquered that thoughts turn to the delicious things that used to be in the foil-covered dishes , and the question of how best to prepare the spam .
21 By saying this , I am accepting that Geraldine herself may well have engineered the engagement .
22 Top management is clearly very important to the organisation , and managers are realising that management information systems can help them make better decisions .
23 And now , European companies are realising that negotiating skills are essential to ALL aspects of executive decision making — both within as well as outside the company .
24 However , Fraenkel says engineers are realising that wind power is more immediately cost-effective for pumping groundwater .
25 Well , I 'm glad to see more & more people are realising that Keegan is a complete twat !
26 Already exhibitors are demanding that Warner Brothers supply extra security for when the three-hour 22-minute , $33 million epic hits US screens in November .
27 Unions are demanding that La Poste drops plans to cut 280 jobs in a reorganisation .
28 Congressmen by the dozen are demanding that Japan , Germany , Saudi Arabia — indeed anyone but America — should be tapped for the costs of Desert Storm .
29 Japanese scientists , however , have been denying that drift-nets have had any significant effect on Dall 's porpoise .
30 THE Football Association are to request that players of all clubs competing in the third round of the FA Cup this weekend should wear black armbands in memory of former secretary Ted Croker , who died at the age of 68 on Christmas Day .
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