Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] him " in BNC.

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1 Class of Year Three children The " Keeper " is a guard who has been blinded to stop him ever setting eyes on the magic jewels .
2 The remark had been intended to put him in his place , but it had come out sounding peevish and sensitive , as though she actually gave a damn about what he thought of her .
3 Philip Burton 's early life had been calculated to bring him up as ‘ a spotless youth ’ .
4 He believed the order had been given to kill him by the DO .
5 so he was dead annoyed with it , all week I 've been struggling to get him to bed
6 How many men have been assigned to watch him ? ’
7 He was boxed in by the final stupidity of total bureaucracy , reduced to a mere cypher in a computer which had been programmed to ignore him .
8 For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him . ’
9 Officers from the Lothian and Borders force are expected to take him back to Scotland tonight .
10 Officers from the Lothian and Borders force are expected to take him back to Scotland tonight .
11 I think I am oblidged to show him my good will , and to give him my interest upon this occasion ’ .
12 The sentries had been primed to admit him without challenge , Alexei noted , and as soon as his escort had dismounted a trooper wearing the gorget of a provost came out of the gatehouse and led them away towards the stables .
13 His family are agitating to get him home .
14 The popularity of Taylor 's devotional books , his sufferings for the Church , his piety , engaging manner , and contacts in influential Royalist circles might have been expected to qualify him for high preferment in the restored Church in 1660 .
15 Lorton was relieved that the clutch gave him no trouble : the wound in his leg had been designed to scare him , not to incapacitate him .
16 Mr Fitzwater reiterated President Bush 's denial earlier in the day that the United States , which has indicted General Noriega on drug trafficking charges and has been seeking to oust him for nearly two years , had initiated the revolt .
17 And went on telling him odiously about me ( one Saturday morning shopping in the Village ) and I did n't know where to look , although I 'd been wanting to meet him .
18 My hon. Friend the Member for Norwich , North ( Mr. Thompson ) is grateful for what has been done to help him with the preservation of his local Anglian Regiment .
19 " I am the sentry who is never relieved " , he said at the opening of new rooms at the Military Museum in Madrid on 7 March 1946 , conveniently overlooking the fact that several unavailing attempts had been made to relieve him since 1939 .
20 He was , perhaps , more powerfully so , and not merely as a matter of proximate generation but precisely because such strenuous efforts had been made to exclude him .
21 Specifically , an attempt has been made to present him as the architect of Salisbury Cathedral .
22 Babel 's bad times could be turned into art — an art which has been seen to release him , as it were , from his subject , and which has also been seen to hesitate .
23 The woman who came in to clean and the old boy who saw to the garden had been instructed to call him ‘ Mr ’ Lewis and he felt very much the heir .
24 You just want to put your hand on him and he 'll start to quiver — afraid you 're going to back him .
25 You 're going to knock on his door and you 're going to bring him outside and you 're going to put him in the car . ’
26 We 're going to put him up for a few days .
27 They 're going to give him a gold watch .
28 You 're going to antagonise him and get the idea scrapped , are n't you ? ’
29 ‘ We 're going to call him Jesse James , ’ said manager Ian Doyle .
30 And I agree they 're going to sue him
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