Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Perry was a thick-set , bull-necked man who looked as if he 'd been eased into his suit with a shoe-horn .
2 They are parted from their parents on hatching and raised without an anemone .
3 AT THE end of Mass , when the children had been dismissed to their schooling with Brother Paul , and only the choir monks were left as awed witnesses , Abbot Radulfus offered a brief and practical prayer for divine guidance , and approached Saint Winifred 's altar .
4 The ruling collegium of the Defence Ministry , comprising deputy defence ministers and commanders of forces , had replaced over half its membership after the coup , as reported on Sept. 16 ; Marshal Dmitri Yazov and Gen. Valentin Varennikov , former Defence Minister and Deputy Interior Minister , had both been dismissed following their arrests in August [ see p. 38371 ] .
5 Some 90,000 have been dismissed from their jobs for political reasons and thousands have been imprisoned for long sentences .
6 Like all British officials of the Egyptian Government I had been dismissed from my university post eighteen months before , and I was glad that the British Council was able to offer me a small post in Athens , instead of piece work in Cairo .
7 Workers say that at least one employee has been dismissed from his job without compensation because of illness caused by pollution from the smelter which also processes arsenic , cadmium and lead — well known to have adverse effects .
8 President Özal 's brother Korkut Özal , himself a prominent pro-Islamist , had publicly criticized Semra Özal 's move into politics , while the President 's cousin , Husnu Dogan , had been dismissed from his post as Minister of Defence in February , reportedly after voicing similar criticisms [ see p. 38022 ] .
9 In August Wojtowicz had been dismissed from his post and five people , including senior officials of state banks , had been arrested ; following the Art-B scandal the Sejm approved laws to tighten the central bank 's powers of supervision .
10 Cosmetic companies are building on their foundations for black skin this spring :
11 I mean , the sensible thing would have been to go to her room , would n't it ?
12 He was smarting from the clerical opposition that had been marshaled against his nonsectarian charter for Cornell University .
13 Old issues are re-emerging from our history books on to the political agenda : the status of Germany , the problems of the Balkans , the ambiguous relations of peripheral countries like Britain and Russia to the politics of Central Europe .
14 Just before the accident , he had snatched his favourite toy from his brother and had been stopped by his mother from hitting him over the head .
15 It had been stopped in its tracks by the Railway Inspectorate and a public outcry .
16 The first thing that struck me was that of about 100 different offerings at least half a dozen times I 'd been stopped in my tracks by absolutely classic flavours .
17 Hence in the present case Mr. Dennis had not been divested of his interest under the joint tenancy when his wife died .
18 In such a situation the true owner may have been divested of his claim against the wrongdoer under section 8(2) ( d ) but if not , he might still be entitled to sue by virtue of his title .
19 ‘ Where two or three are gathered in my name , I shall be there with them ’ ( Matthew 18:20 )
20 Curiosity may have been aroused by their performances but , according to Watman , ‘ they enjoyed incredible popularity at the time and there was never any suggestion of race as a factor ’ ( personal communication , 1981 ) .
21 Thus we are accumulating in our local rubbish dumps tons of baby excreta , some of it infected , which sooner or later will dribble into our water supply .
22 ( On Sept. 7 , at the end of a two-day debate for which the UK House of Commons had been recalled from its summer recess , the UK government had won a vote of confidence over its handling of the Gulf crisis , by 437 votes to 35 . )
23 Thus , on Jan. 30 parliament co-opted 120 new members to replace CPCz members who had resigned or who had been recalled by their constituencies .
24 There were 180,000 guestworkers in East Germany including 40,000 Vietnamese as well as Mozambicans and Cubans ; 40,000 North Koreans had been recalled by their government when demonstrations threatened the old regime .
25 1 on the ground , having been flown from their barracks in Omagh some twenty miles away .
26 Proletarianisation has occurred in Latin America because the peasantry have been dispossessed of their land or because their land has become insufficient to support a family .
27 In the western United States travellers encountered the native Americans , the Indians who had so often been dispossessed of their lands and livelihoods by the railway companies .
28 These are calculated for our sample of 1608 men who were unemployed longer than 28 days and did not give retirement as their reason for their pre-cohort entry job .
29 This strong international potential may well be one of the reasons why Philips has been joined in its CD-I initiative by partners such as Sony and Matsushita .
30 Among Sikhs , for example , many of the first male immigrants arrived in the 1950s , by the 60s they had been joined by their wives and children and by the 70s many of them had brought their elderly parents .
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