Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The man had n't been stopped before and I was n't about to try it on .
2 Odo , the Abbot of Ferrières , explained his difficulties to Abbot Markward of Prüm : " We are placed betwixt and between — and we float uncertainly .
3 It may also be observed that the functions f and g are given by and .
4 The new equilibrium level of wages and membership are given by and in Fig. 3 .
5 For the asymmetric T-section shown in figure 9.14(a) , the two iterative impedances are given by and which readily rearrange into the quadratic equations and Thus Of the two solutions to each of the equations ( 9.68 ) , those having positive components of iterative resistance are appropriate and these normally correspond to taking the positive root in each case .
6 For the T-section of figure 9.14(a) , the image impedances are given by and Rearranged , these equations become Subtracting yields while adding gives Hence Interestingly , the image impedances of a section can be more neatly expressed in terms of its input impedances under open and short-circuit termination .
7 According to this particular result , the required poles of are given by or since where or 243.43° .
8 As a fair-minded man , you must accept that women are treated as if they are the sole cause of illegitimacy .
9 Newly acquired words are treated as if they contrast with ones already known , and so serve to narrow down earlier over-extensions .
10 Where assets are finance by leasing agreements that give rights approximating to ownership ( " finance leases " ) , the assets are treated as if they had been purchased outright .
11 Where assets are finance by leasing agreements that give rights approximating to ownership ( " finance leases " ) , the assets are treated as if they had been purchased outright .
12 Where assets are financed by leasing agreements that give rights approximating to ownership ( " finance leases " ) , the assets are treated as if they had been purchased outright .
13 While it is often the case that methods are treated as if they were tools in a tool box ready and waiting to be used for their appropriate task , it is vitally important that any aspiring methodologist does not take this too seriously but tries , instead , to understand the presumptions which underpin methods .
14 Similar provisions apply to RFLs practising through an RB in respect of annual contributions , on the basis that share-owners and directors are treated as if they were principals .
15 Thus , three other categories of persons who are not involved in any manufacturing , are treated as if they were producers under s2 .
16 ‘ To Kill a Mockingbird ’ is set in the Deep South of Alabama , where the majority of white men will not accept Negroes into a white society and it 's not only that the Negroes do not live amongst the whites , in some cases they are treated as if they are nobody .
17 Other women came and went in his life after that , including Jan Parsons who would never have been heard of but for the sex-video scandal .
18 Maybe this is why I am treated as if I 've polluted the town 's water .
19 This dual role of senior representative and local manager is not without its difficulties , particularly when staff are redirected to or from other geographic centres , an I am therefore particularly grateful to the regional managers for ensuring that the system continues to work smoothly .
20 Various difficulties in devising formula budgeting for schools are pointed to and the implications of the scheme for school governors and the employment of teachers are discussed .
21 Slowly , he put down the silver pen he had been toying with and stood up , walking to her at the windows .
22 To demonstrate a sensitive period of the type he was proposing , it would be necessary to show that adults who had left a kibbutz at the age of six were not sexually attracted by members of the opposite sex whom they had been reared with while still in the kibbutz .
23 The parallelism between these two rhythms and performance has been commented upon and illustrated before .
24 In which case the non-verbal concomitants of the various utterances are improvised as if for the first time , and in the best of all possible productions an unforeseeable Lear , Macbeth or Rosalind emerges in performance , and the speeches come across expressing meanings which would have been hard to foresee from reading the bare text .
25 ‘ Curiously enough the reduction in low level concentrations of sulphur dioxide , resulted in an increase in the frequency of detections and complaints about fish smells because the acidic gases had been reacting with and neutralising the smell of the amines ’ .
26 Transport had been arranged to and from the racecourse .
27 Public relations enhances and protects reputations by ensuring the activities of the company are communicated to and understood by wider publics , so that each group 's good opinions reinforces the other in an unbroken circle of APPROVAL .
28 Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact that much of the new technology which had been developed before and during the war had already been incorporated into the capital stock .
29 I mean it has been referred to that we might have to do them again , I sincerely hope we do n't have to go through this process again .
30 The fact that the work has been referred to and is performed by an overseas associate is irrelevant in this context .
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