Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His orders are to kill as many people as he can , ’ I answered .
2 However , it seems unlikely that the mare basins could each have been filled in one outpouring .
3 In Great Britain there is no such force , and the gap has been filled in recent years by a militarization of the police force .
4 It does seem an anachronism that the Australian government could in theory be sacked by the Queen in London , particularly as both countries are devoting much greater attention to their regional interests .
5 Companies are devoting very low attention — at least in terms of money — to controlling investment ’ .
6 ‘ People seem to think we are getting rid of all the books but the only ones we have done away with are those which had been hidden away unused for many years . ’
7 In Litster , even though the sale was by a receiver , it was clear that the employees had been dismissed immediately prior to completing the sale of a business solely to avoid the effect of the Transfer Regulations on the sale .
8 That is one reason why companies like ICI and IBM are building up comprehensive communications programmes , internal as well as external which involve listening just as much as talking .
9 By the stage we define broadly as intermediate , learners are some way towards developing control of the language they are learning : their store of language has grown to a point where they can adapt , adjust and add to it with some facility ; they can transfer language use from one context to another ; they are building up more complex networks of language and the work we do in the classroom at this level is similarly more complex and less controlled .
10 I was just saying to Malcolm how surprised I 'd been to see so many your men at Doreen 's funeral , but I shut up when the police arrived .
11 The economic history of Byzantium has in the past been examined too much in isolation from the general course of medieval economic history .
12 So it was only in the nineteenth century when all the loopholes had been stopped up that marriage became in fact what it had always been in theory , indissoluble .
13 The previous ball had been stopped just short of the boundary by some members of the crowd who had engulfed the pitch .
14 Perhaps it is because the fishermen have been demonstrating so much recently that they have not been catching so much fish . ’
15 Industrial and commercial groups are also paying dearly for their rash incursion into property , futures and other financial instruments during the late 1980s : the banks that advised and funded them are faring even worse .
16 The aircraft had been flown already that day , before refuelling for Herr Hess 's trip , and the motor was still warm .
17 At the USAF base virtually all buildings were razed to the ground , though seventy of the 72 F-16s stationed there had been flown out prior to the hurricane striking .
18 You 've just been seeing too many films .
19 These are proving particularly popular with younger disabled people , and a special hoist is available to lift people from wheelchair into boat if needed .
20 One species with whom CAD systems from Random Access are proving particularly popular is the ‘ Architectus Progressus ’ .
21 This information suggests Clios are proving particularly popular with women and professional people .
22 OATS ' two LOFT ( Line Orientated Flight Training ) simulators are proving increasingly popular with airlines .
23 Even though they may only flower once a century , these plants are proving increasingly popular with gardeners and landscapers throughout Europe .
24 Its reforms have not failed , but they are proving terribly painful .
25 Combinations of polymeric bisguanide and benzalkonium chloride , with the synergistic effect of an organic sequestering agent EDTA , are proving highly effective when used bonded onto a non woven applicator .
26 ESSEX University 's first day schools this month are proving highly popular .
27 And , as the Canadian writer Eric Downton put it in 1986 , ‘ societies with Confucian-Buddhist roots are proving more effective in coping with the industrial and technological challenges on the eve of the twenty-first century than [ are those countries with a ] predominantly Christian-Hebraic heritage . ’
28 I hope that even at this late stage Labour will support the GPs ' contract , GP fundholding and NHS trust status for hospitals , all of which are proving so successful .
29 Such technology , coupled to advances such as ‘ embryo sexing ’ and ‘ embryo splitting ’ which are proving so useful in cattle breeding could bring livestock prices down and encourage the adoption of these majestic mammals .
30 Being screened in Barcelona five days a week — in Catalan — the old Street shows are proving so popular that Granada are now hoping to sell further programmes to the rest of Spain .
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