Example sentences of "be [verb] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He has been stamping his feet impatiently in Gdansk waiting for the call to be Poland 's first non-communist president in more than 40 years .
2 ‘ Well , Master , we are building our arguments on the fact that there were men who looked like King James . ’
3 I had been to see it years before in a taxi from Roscrea , and had been greatly impressed by the poignant air of haunted melancholy that hung over the ruins .
4 Members of Congress and administration officials ought , in theory , to be wringing their hands this week ; most are shrugging their shoulders .
5 They have been treated as people who did not know what they were doing , have made some terrible mistake and are wasting their lives .
6 At the moment of writing , Labour seems to have lumbered itself with a system in which thode entitled to nominate — Labour MPs — will have no reliable means of guessing whether they are wasting their nominations on a no-hoper .
7 ‘ But you are wasting your talents with him , mademoiselle , and will live to regret it .
8 Such bureaus may also adopt a promotional role , seeking to ‘ sell ’ the advantages of their areas to industrialists who are relocating their firms .
9 4 The Levitical families are assigned their jobs
10 Leaders are given their roles by their putative followers ; their ‘ authority ’ may technically be removed if their followers cease to acknowledge them .
11 Also , most appointees on public bodies are given their jobs for a set number of years , so it could be some while before changes filtered through .
12 Smith and Hogan , Criminal Law , 6th edn , Butterworth , 1988 , 559 n6 , comment : " [ T ] his seems a surprising decision as it would surely astonish bankers to learn that by issuing such cards they are allowing their customers to borrow by way of overdraft to an unspecified amount " ( their emphasis ) .
13 The Bill will be a special one in that the political parties are allowing their members in both Houses a free vote because the issue is deemed to be one of conscience .
14 CONCERN was expressed at a recent meeting of the Four Marks Recreation Centre that some dog owners are allowing their pets to foul the football pitch .
15 LIKE many pensioners I am seeing my savings dwindle with falling interest rates .
16 Have you been eating your muffins in there .
17 And loads of people are mowing their lawns like summer today .
18 Tourists should have to sign a declaration that they are healthy and will leave Britain if a chronic disease is diagnosed and if they are treated their passports should be kept until their fees are paid .
19 Examples are circling your arms around from your shoulders ; toe-touching ; standing upright then bending your body sideways to the left then right ; lying on the floor then raising each leg as high in the air as possible ( keeping the leg straight ) .
20 But perhaps I am shirking my responsibilities by being here , in the police force . ’
21 So we recommend an inquiry — in three to five years ' time into the extent to which card users ( in particular , users of more than one credit card ) are using their cards to spend more than they judge prudent .
22 While the Prince of Banality is going down as the embodiment of Eighties vulgarity and hype , the museum world and the academy are singing his praises .
23 Greater prominence has been given to the role of language in recent government initiatives including the Swann report and in new curricula developments such as CPVE and GCSE and this type of training will be required if classroom teachers are to implement their proposals .
24 The schemes now are paid a pension at fifty , but the only , the only snag I understand is it is n't inflation , inflation proofed until fifty-five , but people are drawing their pensions and they get their lump sums at fifty and it 's enhanced to take into account the actual and expected earnings for the next three years , so er you take thirty thousand people , one point seven billion can soon erm
25 This need would be particularly acute in mature schemes where most members are drawing their pensions and the need for income generating investments is greatest .
26 In the dressing room player coach Greg Downs , another Wembley winner with Coventry back in 1987 , has been building his men up .
27 The AC contact was n't Shelby 's first ; he 'd been hawking his sports car plans around since the late '50s and among the people he 'd contacted with a view to building his hybrid had been his good friend Donald Healey .
28 Hook : So my beauty , you are to see your children walk the plank .
29 sending their mail to erm Body Shop er , they 'd been grooming their nails because they 've heard that the Body shops , in the paper the other day erm are paying ten pounds per nail if your nail 's an inch long , you know , so you cut this talon off if it 's an inch long and they had loads and loads of them sent in envelopes or people just ringing up and asking can we send our nail , ten pound a nail and they said , where the rumour started from these people had heard that because they do n't do erm experiments on animals any more they 're using nails to do experiments , the nail polish and that
30 As late as 1931 , the war records of Labour candidates were still held against them , although by then Ramsay MacDonald , like Lloyd George before him , had been forgiven his sins .
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