Example sentences of "be [adj] show that " in BNC.

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1 Using specially arranged cognitive tasks it has been possible to show that this inhibition is weaker than average in psychotic individuals , otherwise ignored information being relatively more available for conscious processing .
2 However , within the simple aggregate supply and demand framework that we have developed above it has always been possible to show that , if expectations of inflation are not rational , then Friedman 's x per cent growth rule for the quantity of money will be inferior to some other policy which links monetary growth to the current or past state of the economy .
3 Since every coin bears a mint-name , and most hoards containing Charles 's coins are dateable to within a decade or so , it has been possible to show that the coins circulated rapidly , soon after they were issued .
4 When finally broken down , DEC 's 1992 figures are likely to show that an even greater percentage of its workstation business was carried out on VAX/VMS than in 1991 .
5 We are able to show that the mixing angle , hw , that follows from the considerations of Hung and Sakurai is consistent with that experimentally measured without any assumption of unification .
6 Even if we are able to show that it is not possible for there to be people who feel as we do but have no disposition to behave as we do , or vice versa , the behaviourist way of doing this seems too extreme .
7 If a number of studies are able to show that occupational type shows consistently stronger correlations with other variables , say voting choice , style of life , level of education or values , this is evidence that the variable occupation is a reasonably effective indicator of the important dimensions embodied in the concept of social class .
8 Many experiments have been concerned to show that information from successive sentences is integrated into an organised whole ; and that efficient memory for a discourse depends on such organisation being possible .
9 But by mentioning them I have perhaps been able to show that when theists talk of God as ‘ both far and near ’ , or as ‘ visible and unseen ’ , they are not guilty of a simple contradiction in terms .
10 Those doctors who have been trained to practise Ayurvedic medicine ( a traditional type of Indian medicine ) have been able to show that foods such as fresh vegetables , rice and pulses produce the clearest and most balanced mental state .
11 For example , we have been able to show that the proportion of time that different species of primate spend feeding , resting , or moving about their home-range or territory , is correlated with body size .
12 ‘ I am really pleased that over the last three years I have been able to show that part-time working can work without any difficulty .
13 For example , business schools have not been able to show that the Graduate Admission Test ( verbal and mathematical abilities ) correlates with subsequent performance as a manager .
14 According to the evidence at the trial , only Zaidie bore witness to the defendant 's telephoned confession , but the defence might have promoted a viable theory of conspiracy if they had been able to show that Matadial had also testified to a confession , then resiled from it in her deposition , taken the offensive again in her addendum and finally opted for a female voice in her evidence .
15 Using early maps , Peter Wade-Martins has been able to show that the present scattered settlements and small fragmentary villages are merely the remnants of former late Saxon settlements and medieval nucleated villages .
16 Now that the full complement of introns in the ancestral triose phosphate isomerase gene has been mapped , he has been able to show that they are placed so that amino acids near each other in the protein 's structure are encoded wherever possible by the same exon , bolstering the idea that the original form of the gene contained a full complement of introns and was produced by exon shuffling .
17 From our study we have been able to show that at least 5% ( 6/122 ) of patients will not have polyps at 30 years of age on sigmoidoscopy and , as only 36/ 123 in our series were shown to definitely have polyps under 30 years , the real figure may be somewhat higher .
18 In practice , if there is any doubt whether it is appropriate to charge theft or obtaining property by deception , it will be natural to charge the latter ; and in our opinion it would be wise to do so , because this will be a much easier offence to establish than is the present offence of obtaining by false pretences , as it will be unnecessary to show that the owner was deceived into intentionally passing the ownership but sufficient to show that he was tricked into parting with the possession .
19 If I understand him aright , it ought to be possible to show that Descartes ' stripping away of the ‘ accidental ’ qualities of objects is illegitimate , because based on a series of elisions of meaning between one use of an expression and another where the two expressions look the same but have different meanings .
20 But if interference effects do indeed operate at retrieval rather than on the formation of the CS-US association , it should be possible to show that an apparently weak association formed after conditioning with a pre-exposed stimulus can be revealed as being perfectly strong in appropriate conditions of testing .
21 It may ultimately be possible to show that they all reduce to a single basic criterion , but here they will be presented separately .
22 When , in 1989 , we started to explore the involvement of this mechanism in passive avoidance learning , there had already been a lot of speculation in the molecular neurobiology literature about whether it would be possible to show that c-fos and c-jun were specifically activated during memory formation ; but no-one had yet done the key , unequivocal experiment .
23 If context affects the recognition point of a word , as this result suggests , then it should be possible to show that a context which makes a word very predictable will have a greater effect on fluent restorations than a context which makes a word only fairly predictable .
24 However , in the absence of such an exclusion , it might be possible to show that the failure was due to a latent defect present in the car at the time of delivery ( particularly possible in the area of negligent design ) and this could then be the basis for a claim that there was a breach of the warranty of merchantable quality at the time of delivery .
25 You do not need to be on income support to get a crisis loan but you must be able to show that it is the only means of preventing serious risk to you or your partner 's health and safety .
26 ‘ The new leader must be able to show that our public and private faces are the same . ’
27 British representatives from the UK Atomic Energy Authority are anxious to be able to show that , after the Super-SARA debacle , LOFT will be able to demonstrate the safety of their design for the Sizewell B reactor , Britain 's first pressurised-water reactor ( PWR ) .
28 We need to be able to show that being explicit about sex is not inherently bad or damaging , that the pornographic view of sex is not the only one .
29 Since a captive insurance company is not economic if the group can not obtain a tax deduction for premiums paid to it , the group must be able to show that the captive has substance and is in a position to meet its obligations under insurance policies .
30 In such cases the applicant may be able to show that if the respondent had not acted unlawfully , no loss would have been suffered .
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