Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It has been iced to resemble the cover of the guide .
2 But not all are sorry to see the squadron go .
3 We are sorry to announce the sad demise of Leeds United football club , who died tragically yesterday in unforseen circumstances .
4 It would have been simpler to post the cheque .
5 If anybody wants to know whether people are right to perform the local duty
6 Considerations like these make scientists feel that they are right to take a philosophically realist view of the results of their researches ; to suppose that they are finding out the way things are .
7 I also believe that the manner of Senor di Meana 's intervention demonstrated to the full that the Government are right to stress the principle of subsidiarity which holds that the Commission should not become involved in matters that can more effectively be dealt with by member states .
8 They are right to impose a timetable at the start of the Committee stage to ensure that all parts of the Bill are properly dealt with .
9 The Government are right to seek a twin-track approach whereby we retain the essential strength and security of NATO while developing a new role for the Western European Union .
10 I think that they are right to want a sufficient number of qualified paediatric specialists in the hospital .
11 This suggests that we are right to make a powerful link between evangelism and church planting .
12 You are right to rebuke the Master when he forgets himself so . ’
13 We are right to reward the living ones with public lending rights .
14 Of course the authors are right to list the goals — from equal pay and opportunities to equal political and civil rights — that have not been reached , but I also think that many feminist ideas have entered the mainstream .
15 CPU2 also features on the existing multiprocessor SuperSparc models 450 , 750 and and 752 , all of which are upgradable to use the new Cypress Semiconductor Corp HyperSparc chips .
16 But I am due to take a trip to the Indian Ocean shortly where I hope to go swimming in a warmer sea !
17 It had not been pleasant to leave the Mallorys under a cloud .
18 At this point , it would have been pleasant to record a series of strategies by which they had been facilitated .
19 In my experience , it is seldom worth trying to establish natural plants , as these fish , particularly the dominant males , are destructive to say the least .
20 The arguments that Freud advanced are unnecessary to establish the conceptualization of the death instincts , and their eternal struggle with the sexual instincts , in the unconscious life of humanity .
21 With the increasing toleration of ‘ fringe ’ med-icine , orthodox doctors are hesitant to dismiss the laying on of hands as flim flam and the positive results merely the result of the placebo effect .
22 This is the reason why many ethologists are hesitant to apply the insights of the theory of natural selection , which have been gained for the social behaviour of animals with only rudimentary cultures , to the behaviour of our own species .
23 Examination papers should be approved four months before students are due to sit the examination and centres should allow three months for the moderation process ( to allow for any resubmission ) .
24 All are due to visit the Solar System in the mid-1990s .
25 Lawyers acting for the 14 nuns are due to see a judge in chambers today to ask for a judicial review which would effectively prevent ministry officials carrying out the slaughter at Our Lady of the Passion Monastery near Daventry .
26 ‘ We are due to take the Norwegian striker Frank Strandli from IK Start when problems over a work permit are sorted out , there are some promising young players coming through and we should have key men David Batty and Mel Sterland back after injury soon . ’
27 Only newly-appointed and promoted staff are due to receive the new contracts which according to the Institute 's NATFHE chairman , Denis Clinton , has led to the problem of new staff being appointed but not given contracts .
28 The report that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State produced last week revealed that this year we are due to treat an extra 250,000 patients ; we are cutting the number of long ’ waiters ’ , and creating a service that is responsive to patient needs .
29 The leading crews are due to reach the end of their voyage at Southampton on Sunday .
30 Next month the Russian research Institute of Information Technologies and the firm ArgusSoft are due to open an Open Systems training centre equipped with Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstations .
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