Example sentences of "the government do not " in BNC.

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1 You might imagine that the Government does n't want to disturb this particular can of invertebrate , limbless burrowing creatures .
2 Shipbuilding skills have been handed down from generation to generation and now these proud men who helped to put the ‘ Great ’ into Britain are tossed aside because the Government does n't know how to get out of the hole it has dug .
3 And easily defeated in a debate on the Government 's economic policy — because the Government does n't have an economic policy .
4 But the more you try and get things done , the more you realize that the government does n't care at all , apart from making a profit .
5 And where the government does n't reach , the locals improve their lot on a block-to-block basis .
6 Part of our country is in a neo-colonial situation — you know it has its own government , but the government does n't have economic control and the northern part of our country is under direct rule from Britain , under direct colonial rule .
7 Labour Councillors have set up over a hundred new Council Committee meetings , an extra six hundred meetings a year , and the hundreds of thousands of pounds that is gon na cost the people of , not the community charge payers , not the community charge payers , but those people , the elderly and the handicapped who are looking for services from this Authority , which the Labour Group will say , we ca n't afford to provide cos the Government does n't send us enough money .
8 credit approvals now get taken up so quickly because the government does n't let much money borrow erm much money to be borrowed parish councils unfortunately so we need to do it fairly urgently if we 're going to get it on the list , I think the list is already about ten parish councils long .
9 Trouble is the Government does n't have a strategic airport policy nationally and each airport planning application , it just looks at individually on it 's own merits .
10 Even though some minor changes may subsequently be necessary in order to conform with the directive , the government does n't want to risk a further period of delay before bringing these necessary measures into effect .
11 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
12 The Government does n't agree .
13 That may well put them at risk , but then the government does n't asses such things on the grounds of the impact on charity workers
14 There 's currently no minimum age limit for babysitters and the government does n't plan to introduce the training as part of the natioanl curriculum .
15 It 's a cruel tax , the government does n't listen .
16 She says here in Oxford it 's our duty to make sure that the government does n't gey away with criminalising refugees .
17 It is obvious that the government does n't know how to respond to the messes it has partly created and partly suffers from .
18 It 's expected to discuss it 's future involvement , if any , in negotiations with the South African government on power sharing , if the government does n't take emphatic steps to stop the violence .
19 Prison officers are warning of violence in Britain 's jails on an even greater scale than Strangeways if the government does n't give them more resources .
20 An Oxfordshire consultant has told how specialist hospitals have to turn to charity for funds because the government does n't provide enough money .
21 It must be said , however , that this is a nightmare scenario which the Government does not subscribe to .
22 That is an important concession but one which will be wasted if the Government does not accept that part it now has to play .
23 ‘ If the government does not have these conditions , I can not take any responsibility for what happens .
24 ATORY MP yesterday made the first admission that the Government does not know whether children from poorer backgrounds will be put off higher education by the introduction of top-up loans , writes Celia Weston .
25 The Government does not believe that it would be right for this case to be treated as a precedent . ’
26 The government does not much care for it .
27 After a long fight to beat inflation , the government does not feel sympathetic to these demands .
28 If the government does not back legislation , banks will demand restitution : the unwinding of both open swap positions and hundreds of past deals too .
29 But then the Government does not run the nationalized industries .
30 The Government does not accept the concept of a ‘ poverty line ’ .
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