Example sentences of "the time for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of all the times for Dad to die .
2 Than Tun wound up ; ‘ He solemnly stated that the time for parting of the ways had verily come . ’
3 The time for compromise on the economy is also over .
4 This was not the time for prayer .
5 This date is particularly important now , because it fixes the date upon which automatic directions apply in most personal injury actions and the time for discovery in all actions .
6 ‘ It is not the time for vaulting that five-bar gate , ’ he says .
7 Now is the time for change .
8 Is now the time for change ?
9 Tory smallholdings spokesman Coun Michael Hedley said : ‘ We agree the county council should keep the future of the estate under consideration but now is not the time for change . ’
10 Also known as ‘ mass clocks ’ they offered a means of telling the time for church services : an appropriately placed stick cast a shadow on the hour-scale .
11 In such a case it is possible for either the seller or the buyer to commit an anticipatory breach of contract , i.e. to repudiate the contract before the time for performance .
12 Another term implied by the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 concerns the time for performance .
13 Section 14 states that , in the absence of an agreed time for performance or an agreed formula to determine the time for performance , the supplier will carry out the service in a reasonable time .
14 For instance , clauses restricting liability for late delivery , allowing for variation of the delivery date or tolerances in relation to the quantity to be delivered , clauses enabling the proferens to substitute alternative goods for those ordered , to withhold performance of its obligations or vary the terms of the contract , and force majeure clauses excusing non-performance , or extending the time for performance in the event of circumstances outside the proferens ' control , and possibly even clauses giving one party the right to withhold performance , or terminate the contract , in the event of breach by the other party , are all potentially subject to s3 .
15 However , the drafter should remember that problems frequently arise where one party to a contract seeks to escape from it on the grounds that the other is in breach of a condition , and that the time for performance of obligations ( other than payment of money ) under a commercial contract is normally " of the essence " : a failure to perform on time in accordance with the contract will therefore justify the other party in terminating the contract ( see Bunge Corpn v Tradax Export SA [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 711 ) .
16 This is the time for vigilance .
17 The time for classification is when the contract is made .
18 The time for repairs , it would seem , was about to give way to the time for offence , if not injury .
19 What is certain is that the time for decision in Europe which he saw approaching then is nearer now , the question no less pertinent .
20 He waited a long while , looking out all the time for Caspar .
21 Instead he went on to tell them that the shortest time they kept pupils was for two years but that usually they tried to move people back into mainstream at the time for transfer to middle/upper school .
22 The financial strain on the firm can be eased by : ( 1 ) effecting sufficient insurance cover ( see Chapter 5 ) ; ( 2 ) the inclusion of suitable provisions ( Clause 20 ) in the partnership deed clearly setting out the procedures to be adopted for the continuing partners to have the option to purchase the deceased 's share from his estate on an appropriate time scale or providing for an automatic accruer to the surviving partners ; ( 3 ) the inclusion of provisions in the deceased 's will enlarging the discretion of the personal representatives as to the time for realisation of assets in the estate and generally as to arrangements which may be concluded with the continuing partners ; and ( 4 ) where ( which is not unusual ) one of the personal representatives is a continuing partner , the inclusion in the will of specific authority for that partner in his capacity as personal representative and trustee to conclude agreements with the firm .
23 A unilateral right to require a dispute about the rent to be referred to arbitration is " an agreement to refer future disputes to arbitration " ( Arbitration Act 1950 , s27 ; Pitallis v Sherefettin [ 1986 ] QB 868 ) and the court has power to extend the time for service of a counternotice if undue hardship would otherwise result ( ibid ) .
24 The time for service may be extended by two months at a time , before the two months expire , or even afterwards in the court 's discretion ( Ord 43 , r 6(3) applying and modifying Ord 7 , r 20 ) .
25 In these circumstances , the court has the power to abridge the time for service .
26 By carefully controlling the drying rates in large kilns the time for seasoning can be reduced to a matter of days or weeks .
27 Now 's the time for revolution . ’
28 Ask the same people all the time for help or money .
29 The time for defence is then extended to four days after either the Crown gives notice to the court and to the plaintiff that it is satisfied with the information given , or the court decides that no further information is required .
30 He spoke brusquely now , deciding that the time for tact was over .
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