Example sentences of "the same [noun sg] year " in BNC.

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1 As agriculture became more intensive , with larger amounts of the same crop grown on the same land year after year , farmers came to rely more and more on chemical pesticides .
2 Cereal-growing or hay- and silage-making in the same field year after year will obviously rob that field of humus and structure , especially if heavy-yielding crops are grown with chemical fertilizers .
3 You also need to bear in mind that you may have other payments under existing deeds of covenant or other payments made under Gift Aid in the same tax year , and you will need to have a taxable income at least equal to the gross amount of all these payment , as well as the Gift Aid payment being contemplated , otherwise you will have to account to the Revenue for some tax .
4 You can also recover all SMP paid in previous months in the same tax year if you have not recovered it in an earlier month .
5 Excess relief may be used against CGT in the same tax year .
6 Tax could then be deducted in respect of the three previous instalments paid in the same tax year ( Johnson v Johnson [ 1946 ] P 205 ) .
7 The Transport and General Workers Union said it saw seasonal workers as potentially ripe for recruitment precisely because a considerable number returned to the same job year after year ( see Financial Times , 7/1/87 ) .
8 Overall the event was a major success and has already been provisionally booked for the same venue year .
9 There is evidence to suggest that one victim in five in Northern Ireland is likely to be the victim of another similar offence within the same calendar year .
10 The following criteria were required for selection as a control : AIDS diagnosis during the same calendar year as the case ( similar duration of HIV positivity in non-AIDS cases ) ; age within one year of case ; CD4 count within 10% of case ; evidence for cytomegalovirus and cryptosporidial enteritis matched to case ; normal liver function tests ; absence of upper abdominal pain .
11 It is essential to belong to a major exchange organization , because buyers do not wish to be tied to taking their holidays in the same area year after year .
12 Auks are ‘ site-faithful ’ , often returning to the same ledge and the same partner year after year .
13 Er well each guild makes their own mind up whether they have a new pre if , if they want the same president year after year or secretary .
14 Some viruses are also introduced through seeds , particularly home-saved seeds , or from growing runner beans on the same spot year after year .
15 ‘ Unless you keep on trying to develop your own personal work , your own personal style , trying to find out where your main sympathies lie and what subjects you really like to work with , you end up purely being a commercial photographer shooting pretty much the same thing year in year out .
16 These openings , some of which occur in the same place year after year , are often of great biological importance , allowing light to penetrate , phytoplankton to bloom , and whales , seals and seabirds to survive when the rest of the sea remains covered .
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