Example sentences of "the government [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 A BRITISH lord is trying to make the government honour a 25-year-old promise to trade and industry .
2 The government offered a 5-year subsidy to people moving from the state earnings-related pension scheme to take out a private pension .
3 Nurses ended a six-week dispute on Nov. 8 when the government offered a deal on pay and shorter hours .
4 The government called a session of the National Security Council ( NSC , comprising the four heads of the armed forces and police , the President , the President of the Senate , the President of the Supreme Court , and the Comptroller-General ) , which met on March 27 and agreed that each branch of the armed forces would make its own report public .
5 The most valuable form of subsidy , he says , would be for the Government to take a real and permanent interest in the British film industry , to foster — simply with time and energy — a nurturing climate .
6 In such a small country it is up to the Government to take a strong stand against unsuitable developments .
7 It has to harry the government to take a less relaxed view on international nuclear proliferation .
8 Morel tried to organize an agitation to press the Government to take a strong line with France , but the UDC 's local groups had long since disbanded , and the LNU , which favoured a conciliatory approach to the French , warned its own local groups against agitation .
9 I commend to him early-day motion 209 , tabled by the hon. Member for Cambridgeshire , South-West ( Sir A. Grant ) , which calls on the Government to take a more realistic view of the help that they can give to telecommunications if those important jobs are to be safeguarded .
10 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) in March asked the government to draft a new bill by April authorizing Japanese military personnel to assist UN peacekeeping operations .
11 He persuaded the government to allow a group of students to be sent to the USA in 1872 , but they were recalled for fear they might become ‘ too gay ( morally loose ) or western ’ ( Wang 1928 : 44 ) , a comment which would not be out of place in more recent times .
12 A quiet , soft-spoken man , he arrived at the yards in the dark days of 1983 fresh from a difficult stint at British Shipbuilders and it was he who persuaded the Government to allow a management/employee buyout in 1988 .
13 Proposals for fundholding were greeted with scepticism by many general practitioners , and in Scotland the BMA persuaded the government to allow a scheme to test the arrangements as a demonstration project operating ‘ shadow ’ practice funds .
14 In his resignation letter Mann said he had resigned to protest against the recent extension of President 's rule in Punjab and the refusal of the government to allow a state legislature to be elected .
15 One putative RIE — the Association of International Bond Dealers ( now the International Securities Markets Association ) found the system unacceptable , and persuaded the government to create a special exempted status for it .
16 On the strength of this advertisement , the Government persuaded a High Court judge to grant an " interim injunction " against the broadcast , because it feared that ex-employees of the security services might have breached confidence in the course of their interviews .
17 It could take up to four years before a full hearing in the European Court , but Liberty 's legal officer , John Wadham , suggested yesterday that the action might prompt the Government to include a mechanism for complaints over GCHQ in its forthcoming bill to put the Secret Intelligence Service , MI6 , on a statutory footing .
18 The prestige of the government suffered a further blow , however , when it was revealed on April 9 that a second rebel had escaped from custody .
19 The government suffered a serious setback the following day , however , with the resignation of the Druse Progressive Socialist Party militia leader and Minister of State Walid Jumblatt .
20 The government anticipated a financial saving of at least –120m a year with abolition , but denied that the change would undermine local democracy .
21 The DFG originally wanted to allow the fellowships to run indefinitely until the researcher obtained a permanent post , but the government imposed a time limit of five years .
22 On March 27 , as the national conference got under way , the government imposed a curfew and banned strikes and demonstrations .
23 On Aug. 24 the government imposed a state of emergency in 27 townships of the Vaal Reef and banned the carrying of all potential weapons .
24 Amid continuing disturbances the government imposed a state of emergency in the region on July 20 .
25 On May 8 the government imposed a curfew on the city .
26 The Government imposed a ceiling of 1.5 per cent in the public sector is showing little sign of filtering through to private companies , said the report .
27 At the same time , however , the government condemned a wave of guerrilla attacks in the departments of Cundinamarca and Antioquia and the intendency of Putumayo in which eight members of the judiciary , a businessman and 10 policemen died .
28 Morel , a shipping clerk who had taken up campaigning journalism on behalf of Liverpool 's African merchant interests , set up the Congo Reform Association in 1903 , following his success in persuading the Government to issue a formal protest about the brutal regime of forced labour exercised by the Belgian King , Leopold , in the Congo .
29 Mr Wallace said : ‘ While the Government continues a policy of indifference and inaction , over 120,000 more individuals , families and households are now suffering the misery of unemployment . ’
30 Third , and most centrally , the government draw a great deal of attention to the need to establish a close fit or match between secondary school teachers ' specialist subject qualifications , and their teaching responsibilities in school .
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